
The new rationalization for Trump seams to be the one proffered by the Koch Brothers and every Republican in both houses of Congress’ voting record: “We don’t like Trump, we just agree with everything he says and does.”

Sure, it would be nicer for fans of American democracy if, on Monday (after Colbert and his late-night cohorts had already taped their shows), FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe weren’t forced out of his position by Trump (allegedly).

If you have 2 options:

You don’t seem to understand ‘investing’ or ‘opportunity cost’

In Cleveland? I didn’t know they still had a team.

He was running black ops with the CIA in shadow wars across the globe, they couldn’t tell you the full story until now...

I hope they delve into Mr. Rogers well known dark side, like his chronic alcoholism and crippling sweater habit.

This should be great, hopefully they go deep into Mr. Rogers infamous past as a deadly Navy SEAL sniper with a record number of confirmed kills.

I feel like Tom Hanks playing Fred Rogers is just setting up the world for absolute, maximum fucking devastation when it comes out in a couple years that Hanks is a racist, Trump-supporting pederast who never really cared at all about the Beatles or the moon landing.

Yes, your haircut is.


What a bold, progressive stance for the team to be taking in 1975.

I’m excited to hear how Trump is gonna stop this from happening.

Its Tamy.

Pretty sure her name is Tamy.

Aryan Barbie.

God damn that picture is a murderer’s row of awful. Also possibly a murderer’s row.

Release whatever you got, Britt. We’d all love to see it.

“Oh, you stupid out-of-touch liberals! If you only never complained about anything and supported President Trump and our wonderful professional wrestling CEOs, THAT would be how you would get everyone to vote Democrat.”

Settle down, Beavis.