Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.
Nowdays when you secretly record the villain saying something incriminating he becomes president.
It’s quite simple once you wake up, sheeple! 1649 was the year of the Rump Parliament in England. What do English people like? Tea. Put a T in front of Rump, and you get Trump. What party has always supported Trump? The Tea Party. What sound does Sean’s last name end with? Tea. Also, the law can deal with shipping…
I don’t think this makes me wrong. I think it makes you somewhat different from a large percentage of human beings.
Our society loves to punish. Loves it. Punishment solves every problem. Punishment never fails, it can only be failed. Recidivism? Jail wasn’t punishing enough! Delinquency? These kids have been pampered, they should have been punished. Welfare? Obviously just lazy, poverty isn’t harsh enough, otherwise they’d work.
Raping a bad guy in retaliation for him raping someone else doesn’t even the score at Good Guys 1- Bad Guys 1. It makes it Rape 2, Civilization 0.
Yesssss. Celery is the worst! And it taints any food that even touches it.
It seems to have grown. It’s starting to get irritating. Apparently kids do need a hard kick in the ass.
lol jesus christ
The world is truly sad when a Simpson’s quote isn’t recognized in the AV Club comments.
I’m not making any sweeping generalizations about the kids these days or anything. A lot of their perpetual outrage is justified. I just can’t help rolling my eyes at these specific total-fucking-wieners who had no shame at all in sharing with the whole world their hurt feelings about the author of a Twitter feed…
The over/ulna of such jokes was 64 (bones in arm).
Tibia honest, I didn’t think of it.
It was a Simpsons reference.
Clearly you are attempting to be humerus in your description of The President of the United States. After all, pretty much everything you state about the President is fake and absolutely false.
Let me start by saying I have no idea who this guy is and could really care less other than what I am about to say..
Clearly you are attempting to be humerus in your description of The President of the United States.
Both. Everybody’s gotten louder, of course, but the increase in volume from pre-social media whiners to now sure seems like it’s been far greater. And being always-online has been pretty shitty for people developing healthy perspectives in general.
I know! Like, you’re a little kid with a beard. It don’t bother me nuttin’!
the whiners are just louder. That’s the inherent problem with the democratic nature of the interwebs. Now everyone’s got a loudspeaker and soapbox, regardless of whether they have anything to say.
He’s a lower Wattage than his brothers