
MegaBlastoise already dismissed one of my posts calling him out. He’ll probably dismiss this one. This asshole is a troll who hates women and any men who aren’t white.

I double dare you to not dismiss this post, MegaBlastoise. You are a caustic sexist POS. Your first impulse upon seeing an image of an attractive woman is to “BRING THE BITCH DOWN A NOTCH!!!” by denigrating her appearance. You don’t mention her accomplishments. You say nothing of her work. Your first instinct is to

Back in the old days of the internet, I once downloaded this song from Kazaa:

A group of wrestlers at Kelly Walsh High School in Casper, Wyoming reportedly ganged up on a freshman teammate, held him down, and forcibly waterboarded him

I dunno. I had zero skin in the game and I thought it was called clean.

When you lie down with dogs, don’t act shocked that you awake with fleas.

You are just full of bad ideas. I saw her photo and thought, “Wow, that’s an attractive woman.”

Then again, I’m rethinking my thoughts on the Matrix. The Patriots are going back to the Super Bowl, and that lack of originality seems uniquely characteristic of some sort of AI.

That also means you’re not a witch from Oz.

Jesus is JUPITER!

The question is whether Jesus actually existed.

A Jewish separatist called... Jesus, maybe?

Why would random Romans care about Jewish autonomy?

In common with most other translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from Greek, the Old Testament from Hebrew and Aramaic, and the Apocrypha from Greek and Latin.

Know Jesus!

Oh, the humanity!

To add to my point, as I don’t think I fully explained what I was trying to get across, to conclude “Well, people were willing to die for something, therefore it must have been for a magic guy from elsewhere in the empire despite magic literally never existing except in mythology” is much more far-fetched than many

I know I’m not in the Matrix because whenever I see the wind rustle the leaves in the trees of a forest, not once have they ever pixelated.

Who were the Christians who burned under Nero worshipping then?

Jesus was the Latinate form of the Aramaic Yeshua. Yeshua is Anglicized as Joshua. Joshua was an important Old Testament (and consequently the Talmud) hero and the successor to Moses, and it would have almost certainly been a common Nazarene name.