Barnaby Jones

Hey Nathan, while you’re here could you look over our financials? Things aren’t going so well..

Weird, he usually posts up as a left wing.

Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Slate ranks all the Super Bowls by completely arbitrary metrics, which is silly because everyone knows the best Super Bowls were the last two the Patriots lost.

Selfish Act Not Self-ish

A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

And here I thought I’d have to wait until the game to see a statue repeatedly knocked over.

For those that are wondering about the threesome: Boras was screwing Harvey and the Mets at the same time.

Even worse?

Wu Ke mistake.

He got up. And knocked the linesman down.

Meanwhile Larry Bird is still reading “Windows for Dummies” trying to get his computer out of MS-DOS mode.

Well, this will be a black eye on the organization

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

[signs karma to 8-year deal]

I particularly enjoyed his club alias (Fredlacious Cocksmith) and the following exchange:

The real sin is hearing tons of Bostonians pronounce “carport.”

“Amphetamines? What do frogs have to do with this?”

- Emmitt Smith