Barnaby Jones

I have also met that good dog!

Absolutely. Had they gone with the Swamp Dragons from the get-go, they’d never be in this mess.

Ah yes, forgive me, I totally missed that.

Elizabeth Warren?

Can we take a moment to admire Javi and Russell’s INCREDIBLE VERT?

I guess you could argue that it’s this:


I feel like these headlines are technically incorrect. They actually lost their 58th game, or lost for the 28th time. Sorry for being nit-picky.

“A quarter of an inch this way and it would have gone in. A quarter of an inch, Charlie.”


** “No, I am your father.”

He’ll definitely be able to count the first 1/2 sack.

Sending them links to actual ESPN fantasy advice videos that are blatantly incorrect:

I think those are just the existing Toronto Raptors mascots, Raptor and Stripes, repping 905 t-shirts.

So basically Bumgarner should pitch the entire game for the NL.


Blattshit crazy - for use in your next NBA Finals article.

But seriously, what if the guy really has a terrific sense of humor and intentionally overthought his response?