This may be a dumb question... but where does the smog come from?
This may be a dumb question... but where does the smog come from?
Don't know if I love it or hate it...
I know eh.. I was like: "So it's basically JLaw at the 2014 oscars and JLaw at the 2013 oscars..."
People can still build community developments that count as one building, but simply smaller (and more overall) units.
No one is is saying anyone is "bad". If you want a 3-door car garage, go out to the country and build or buy a home there. Urban dwellings should be small, independently sustainable, and be community-oriented.
Either your numbers are off, or they are insane. I lived in a family of 4 in a 1600 sq.ft. home, and that was our biggest house! It was very roomy, actually. 1800 sq. ft and feeling "cramped" is simply ridiculous. With one other person living with them. Jesus.
I am 19 and live with my parents. I am leaving, though, in 3 months. I hope to lead by example as you state.
Why can't we build homes more like this? They don't have to be 100 square feet, it could be 250. Still, the family size in the US is going down, and the average sq.ft. per home is 2,300..
You mean a Barrel Roll?
I'm not gonna say your dumb or fight you or whatever, but as a philosopher, you are delusional if you rely on our current empiricistic knowledge for your answers. Humans are humble creatures, and yet that same empathy gives us the potential of great vanity, some of which you are displaying right now. We are not the…
THANK YOU. Geeze, it's like he can't read. 20 years is nothing- it doesn't tell us about the long-term effects.. maybe when we are 80 we will all be sorry when we find out GMOs are the reason why we got some weird cancer. The fact is, we won't know that until we are 80. You can't fight with time.
It's "green".
Better in small square mode.
If I could take as much stress as that landing gear, I'd be bald.
All I am saying is that where is the line we should draw? Yes saying BASE jumping is technically correct, and writing it in uppercase helps us understand more (that it is an acronym), but how far should we go to help people understand what we are reading?
So anytime we write "laser" we should say LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)? Or SCUBA instead of scuba (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus)?