That's american police: Shoot first, ask questions later.
That's american police: Shoot first, ask questions later.
Shit, what's it made of? Albino elk tears?
so could you buy it, take out the engine and swap it into a regular car? Then you could have a 454hp camry? If so, Best. Sleeper. Ever.
Whats the difference between mercedes quiet, lexus quiet, and RR quiet?
He won't have a bright future. He's too accurate. The media only hire people who are misleading...
Am I a millennial? Born in 94, 20 years old.
Was gonna post this.. thank you.
And even THAT is delayed (non real-time) data... it takes time for us to comprehend it, from our eyes to our brain... and even deeper: it takes time for the light we see on the monitor to our eyes- just like light from the sun takes 8 mins 19 secs to reach earth, there is an actual delay, however infinitesimal, that…
Well, if we're getting metaphysical, how do we know its a painting of a pipe? Could it perhaps be a figment of our imagination of a painting of a pipe? Or an illusion of a figment of our imagination of a painting of a pipe?
I never understood this. I've seen it before but I've never really got it though... could you give me a quick explanation?
Splendid analogy my friend.
Uhm, I'm pretty sure Veyron owners have A GUY that takes the top of for them; the owner simply sits in the car ;)
And in 2024, Google announces Google Maps Video! :D Now we can see real-time traffic delays.. and zoom in and watch our neighbors swim in their pools >:)
I'm just curious, but is that an exaggeration or are you serious? I live in Poland so I haven't seen one myself, but is it actually that common in SoCal? Can you tell me how many you've seen today, yesterday, and 2 days before that (per day)? Must be a cool sight.