
Spot on. Just made the exact same point and then read yours. Logan is DEFINITELY not concerned about a potential sexual harassment issue. For god sake, did anyone watch last season (and this season)?!

Logan only cares for strength, and sending that pick was a sign of weakness for him. Also, a confirmation of what he already believes: that Romulus is a degenerate to be ashamed of.”

Did you read the full New Yorker piece? The writer references a great Laurence Olivier anecdote that is very apropos to your point. Apparently, when he starred alongside Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man, Hoffman partied for three days straight so that he would look sleep deprived in a scene that called for it. Olivier

trio of Meximelt, Mexican Pizza, and either a Double-Decker Taco or Enchirito”

why does Texas look like Europe?

We never see the world from his perspective because he has no perspective of his own.”

Well said.  Excellent analysis.

And I stand proudly amongst the fans who LIKE the brother/sister angle.”

Benzene on toast is delicious, though.  Mmmmm ... benzene

Take my star, you rascal!

I’m glad they are finally giving him more to do.  I’m loving Freddy Funkhouser!

Different lenses, indeed.  Fucking baffling.  I’m pretty sure if we asked the writers what they hoped the audience would take away from the scene, it would NOT be “Naomi gives shitty gifts.”

I thought his reaction was cruel, and mostly an outlet for his impotent rage towards his family and his seemingly-failing crusade.”

People come down much harder on Shiv but don’t show nearly the same type of betrayal or vitriol towards Kendall/Roman/Connor.”

STRONG agree. I mean, the actor playing Comfry is an attractive woman, don’t get me wrong. But out of Greg’s league?! Why?! Nicholas Braun is a good looking guy and, to your point, he’s TALL.  To be clear, every average (or short guy) in the world dreams of being 6'7.

So good.

I enjoyed it as well (but for the last episode, which was ... not good). I did not read the Mitch storyline as being a “redemption arc,” but rather showing us that, in real life, people aren’t just cartoonishly “good” or “bad.” It was genuinely interesting, and it invited some nuance into the conversation.

Yeah I’m right there with you. I love me some Larry David but this episode was a big miss for me. I get it that Larry routinely goes the long way around to get to the punchline, but this episode strained credulity at every turn.  In addition to the issues you’ve pointed out, here’s a few more I had:

I wish they’d give him more to do.

The Tom/Ken scene was the highlight for me as well, and my favorite micro-moment is within the lines noted by Roxana. Tom is at his lowest point, but he’s only going to take so much of Ken’s shit. And when he snapped back with the “you know what I think ... I think you’re going to get fucked because you always get