
Oh for sure.  I think the point I was trying to make (poorly, perhaps) is that someone who is a Prince fan by way of the classic 80s/early 90s albums may be disappointed to hear this, especially if it’s in the mold of the last 7 albums that this strawman Prince fan never heard in the first place.  That said, maybe

Same.  I like YTV for the content/price.  Certainly better than cable in that regard.  But, man, the picture quality is not great.

It is sad.

This film is such an understated thing of beauty. I love that Beresford trusted the audience to catch up when you literally fall into the middle of this guy’s life. No flashbacks or clumsy exposition. Just an elegant slow reveal of fragment’s of Max’s past. And the film is actually daring in its storytelling. There’s

How do the mosquitoes know you took it?

I get it that Strangers to Ourselves is uneven.  But DAMN the good tracks are fucking great ... as good as anything they’ve ever done.

Mainly it seemed a lot like Doctor Who, even more than the first two episodes did.”

Last week, Catherine couldn’t ignore how much that episode looked like a Doctor Who episode.  This week?  Perhaps even more so.  Maybe it’s the intent and not a flaw?

If you ended up seeing Quiz pitch, it must have been one of the very last times he did so in a KC uni.  Was released by the Royals before the All Star break in 88.

I was the projectionist/usher at a six-house movie theater back in those days, and we ran Quick Change for about 4 weeks when it first came out. Every day, every show, empty or nearly empty. And every day I worked I’d pop my head in and catch a random scene and laugh my face off. And every day I’d wonder: why isn’t

My wife and I rewound and watched that joke three times. CRYING laughing. My favorite part of the whole thing was that Amy’s “oh my god” reaction to Jake telling her what he thought she meant (with bleeps) was EXACTLY the same “oh my god” reaction Jake gave her in the first place.

This is me commenting nearly 4 years too late, but Jesus FUCKING CHRIST this was some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. That the reviewer practically wets himself fawning over all of the empty, high-mindedness of this bullshit and completely ignores the bafflingly stupid plot holes is inexcusable.  I appreciate

I do too.  It’s a tough one to predict.  City of St. Pete is very blue but the rest of Pinellas County ... not so much.  Dems are running a VERY strong candidate who is nearly as popular as Christ, so we may stay blue.

Yeah I’m not one to take the side of someone running into the arms of Project Veritas, but in the clip above she simply asked the doctor (back in, I assume, Summer of 2020) whether his hospital used it. He said in response that yes, they did. He acknowledged it had become “controversial,” and explained that they were

yeah stop being a little baby


The WTF-ness of the whole thing is perfectly epitomized by the BAFFLING refusal to commit to scale. In the clip above ALONE the cats wildly oscillate between ultra-tiny and gigantic every few seconds.

I think the point is that while there is some VALUE to understanding the director’s intent, it shouldn’t necessarily alter your own takeaways. While the artist can certainly control his or her own intent when creating the art, they can’t control a viewer’s interpretation ... and that interpretation is equally valid.

Hacks is freaking FANTASTIC.  So, SO good.  I don’t know what else to say except this: if you aren’t watching it, do yourself a favor and watch it.  The cast is all-around top notch.  Jean Smart is a goddamn legend.

Too hard.  I’d recommend just buying a new grill when yours gets dirty.