
So perfectly stated.  

My bold statement of the day: Revolutionary Road is my favorite book by my favorite author.  The film is aggressively ... ok. 

This album is genuinely blowing me away. “The Valley” is incredible. I’m going to check her other albums out asap. Cheers!

This is why I come here. Not really feeling anything covered in the article, but I come down to the comments and here’s this intriguing note about a project between Thou and a singer I haven’t heard of before. Say what? And then I listen to it. And then ... wow! Thanks for the recommendation!  I had not heard anything

It was bullshit whatever it was. It was the writers saying: “we forgot to tell you that what we were going for here is that Elena’s behavior fit in with the systemic racism in Shaker Heights. Our bad. Here’s a fucking narrator to fill in that gap in the most lazy way possible.”

The way you frame your assessment is a bit harsh, but I strongly agree with your conclusions.  This show was terrible.  AWFUL.  Ridiculous melodrama and a baffling final episode that was inconsistent with just about anything we had seen before (particularly with regard to Elena’s character).  I said this in another

This show plays like a trashy soap opera all gussied up like a prestige drama.  I assume it’s safe to say that the book is not that?  Curious to read it.

It doesn’t have to be dark!  If I say to my wife, “will you please pass the remote?” she inevitably hits the play/pause button EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  

If your product requires you to recruit people to sell for you so you get a cut of their clients, and then their clients, it’s a scam.”

The creators of The Vow were SO careful to avoid implicating themselves in any wrongdoing that they virtually glossed over the actual wrongdoing that Raniere is now being punished for!  My wife and I finished the series and said “ok, so what was it that he did wrong?”  We had to go read about it from actual

MLM is the new way of saying pyramid scheme.”

This is such a stupid take

I had no idea what the angle was, but I’m IN!  This looks genuinely great.  The DJ Khalid baby joke made me laugh.  Out loud!

Yep. I mean, it’s as simple as that, right? Maybe if I was actively pissed off about this remake I could muster an argument and maybe I could get behind a passionate counter-argument that there are some redeeming qualities to be found. But I can’t. That’s not it. This remake is the worst kind of bad: it’s dull and

I’m embracing this show for this very reason!  She’s awful.  So awful that it’s awesome!

The Lodge?! Ugh. Katie is spot on. Such a poseur movie, with nothing to say. And fucking SENSELESS.

“The cages were already built” is a BAD defense to “why did you separate kids from their parents and put them in cages?” Everyone with five working brain cells knows that. But, to your point, the press does fall into this Trump con EVERY time.

This is spot on. Spot on. I posted this comment elsewhere and I’ll drop it again here because I think it dovetails with your comment nicely:

This is so laughably convoluted!  People do this?!

Pundits calling this debate a “draw” are the worst kind of pundits. It’s bullshit. It’s only a “draw” in a world where spewing lies in a softer voice, and waiting your turn to speak like a normal adult, is “better” than shouting and interrupting like an unhinged toddler who missed naptime. On ANY other timeline, Biden