
ah, how very mature of you

Let me make this clear, because you are being purposely obtuse for some reason. In response to my original post accusing the commenters in this thread of creating these strawmen who are allegedly saying we should shelter in place for “years,” you said: that “many people, including Beth Sawecki” have said “This will

Right.  The kind who argues in bad faith.  

You just linked to (1) THIS ARTICLE, which doesn’t address stay-at-home orders or shelter in place at all; and (2) another article which I reread and, again, says nothing about this lasting for “years.” Beth doesn’t suggest a time frame, except to suggest sometime in May seems ambitious. This is the most specific as

Please link to me the article in which Beth says we need to shelter in place “for years.”  I’ll wait

The new Elder album is, in my humble opinion, their best yet.  Masterful.  Less stoner, more prog.

This article says or implies nothing of the sort.  The positives and negatives of social distancing, and how long stay-at-home orders should remain in place, is not the subject of this article.  It just isn’t.

The hard on some people have for their being no solution but to lock everyone up for the year plus”

I’m generally with you and I think the OP is an idiot, but I do have a question about your numbers.  Is Sweden, with no lockdowns, actually doing better than the US, with lots of states locked down?  156 deaths per million in population would translate to 51,480 US deaths ... a number we will eclipse in a month or

Unless you live in an area that happens to be the same direction from all of the big 4 network broadcasters ... well, good luck. Most of us live somewhere where one or two networks is to one direction, and the others are located entirely to the opposite direction. When that happens, there is no way of getting all 4.

Unless you live in an area that happens to be the same direction from all of the big 4 network broadcasters ...

Scott - your reaction was the same as mine (and others here as well, apparently), so I thought I’d echo it here as well. The flight recorder doesn’t matter anymore! Without that MacGuffin in play, why would Carrie ever consider killing Saul?!

Wait ... you can’t deglaze your cast iron skillet with wine?!  Shit.  I do this quite often

STRONG agree. This show was always MUCH smarter than it was given credit for. It’s a near-perfect satire of the tech world, so expertly done. I believe, as you do, that in hindsight it will be much more appreciated ... which is typical of Mike Judge’s work.

I second this.  Loving every one of them.  Best stuff since Plastic Beach.  My favorite was the first one with slowthai, but they are all great in their own ways

This album is exhilarating.

I think the point OP is making, by quoting this disturbing portion of the article, is that questioning the counting methodology and suggesting that experts are being overly inclusive is a BAD LOOK.  Like, why the fuck do these folks CARE how those close calls come out?  I mean, that’s rhetorical, because all they give

It’s been unseasonably warm and humid in FL from virtually day 1 of this pandemic and, well, you can see the numbers for yourself ...

Ah, I see. How the hell is SHE going to find that person so quickly?!  I ask that, of course, in half-jest because we already know the answer ... CARRIE MAGIC!

I just said EXACTLY this in another comment. WHAT are we missing here?! I don’t follow this at all. It’s not even betrayal, is it? She didn’t even know Saul had an asset in Russia, did she? She’s just relaying a message from Yvegny and giving Saul the option. What’s the controversy?

I must be dense because I’m not following this plot line. Yvegny tells her that the Russians would be willing to work a deal if Saul gives up his asset in Russia, right? So what does that have to do with Carrie? Why doesn’t she tell Saul,