
or they did ... which is way worse

nerd alert!

enough with the body shaming!

I wish I had more stars to give

YES! I asked my 18 year old son, who was also left scratching his head at it as well, “is that ANYTHING like high school these days?” And he said “no ... was that like any high school, ever?” Teen movies tend to work best when they are relatable. I’m from a much older generation than the guys in Superbad, but it felt

I was so, SO disappointed in Booksmart.  Other than Billie Lourd’s character, I found it to be shockingly unfunny.  I don’t know, Paul, I just didn’t get it.  At all.  There was a solid 45 minutes straight where I’m not sure I even cracked a smile.  My wife bailed out at that point, and I soldiered through to the

Oh, for sure, I’d be right there with you. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that we tend to get SO hung up on reunion tours, but in some instances (like here, I’d argue) I’m not sure it’s such a huge loss if all of the original members aren’t on the stage. This band toured with a ton of guest musicians even at

marry me

I love that you won’t let this go.  LOVE IT.  I, for one, cannot stop laughing at your posts and the many, excellent responses.  Bravo, friend!

I saw David Byrne last year on his solo tour and he was outstanding. And he did plenty of Talking Heads songs. And his band was fantastic. Right in the pocket. Beautiful. Would it have been ANY different with the old band members? I mean, I doubt it. I don’t think I would’ve known the difference. What I’m saying is,

I’ve been going to OT for 3 years and I can say, anecdotally of course, I’ve never been given a reason to give one shit about anyone’s stats but my own.  It’s SO personal, anyway.  I typically barely get 12 splat points in a 60 minute class.  A guy I see regularly, about the same age and level of fitness as me,

I would like to THINK Abrams wants TLJ to pay off in this last film, but then I look at The Force Awakens. With the ability to go in whatever direction he wanted, Abrams simply aped all of the beats of A New Hope because he ultimately was too afraid to do anything but play it safe. So ...

This was my nitpick as well. There is some random, underground-dwelling species on this random, remote planet and ... they’re humanoids? Why?

love it

(and to confirm, I took all of the tests you linked to and tested positive for tritanopia on all three ... they work!  for me!)


From the website linked above: (re. the Ishihara tests) Based on what you can see and what not, it is possible to check if you are suffering from some form of red-green color blindness.”

This is good stuff.  One quick note/correction: the Ishihara tests, for the most part, are only useful in identifying red/green color deficiencies.  If you have a (much more rare) blue deficiency (also known as blue/yellow), these tests won’t necessarily identify that issue.  I have blue/yellow color deficiency, and I

This is me in the future agreeing with you.  Just watched it this weekend and LOVED it ... except for the unnecessary epilogue.

Now THAT is good Kinja