
I KNEW these shit-for-brains would be out in force. Let me lay out the idiocy of your whataboutisms for you: you care about preserving monuments to a temporary, failed secession conducted solely to protect the institution of slavery, but you DON’T care about preserving actual historical artifacts. Did I get that

As noted by The Burbs in their post, the airlines are actively making the situation worse, rather than better, with this bs “Basic Economy” crap. It is reasonable foreseeable that an infrequent flyer might make the mistake of buying basic economy tix for their family without appreciating that their seats may not be

Check out Nurse Jackie.  The show has some issues in later seasons, but Merritt Wever is fantastic throughout.

I bought the Heartbeat City cassette tape on the day it was released and it turns out I have a (somewhat) rarity.  The track “Heartbeat City” is called “Jacki” on my cassette.

This is a great discussion about Ric and The Cars. One of my all time favorite bands. Never get tired of their stuff. Just wanted to jump in here and point out that, because their hits were SO damn good, their Greatest Hits album released in 1985 is wall-to-wall perfection. And it also gave us a new track in “Tonight

not enough stars

yes but you have to wear a “certified nerd” badge for one month before I can share it with you

I lost my Series 2 while traveling in, of all places, Iceland.  My suggestion to you: go to Iceland and it might just mysteriously disappear.

I thought the primary lesson for Sam in Season 2 was that it was time for him to grow up ... that these women - particularly Ruth - looked up to him as a father figure in the industry and he could no longer prey on that?  Don’t get me wrong, I think the actors have a lot of great chemistry ... but why walk this

you just get off the stage because no one wants to hear you sing anyway

M*A*S*H fucking sucks.  There, I said it

Man, I say this to whoever will listen. Tennessee football became irrelevant the moment they decided to fire the guy who went 152-52 over 17 seasons and won them a freaking national title. I mean, seriously, who the fuck do they think they are?! If you recall, Tennessee was always in the top 10 - and generally top 5 -

It does.  It definitely does

This looks fine (?), but why call it Black Christmas?  I mean, it’s just a different movie.

And the hosts’ reaction is perfectly weird. “I think she’s actually hurt ...” You think?! What’s the alternative?  She’s doing a REALLY strange bit?

I wish I could go back in time to 45 seconds ago, when I was watching “Grape Lady” for the first time.  Amazing!

Thanks for this terrific piece. I’m so sorry you had to endure such trauma as a child.

This track came out as a single in 2017, and then in 2019 was NOT included on her LP, but then was later added to a “deluxe” version of the LP ... is that right? When I look in Apple Music I’m confused by this whole state of affairs.

This is where I am losing the script as well. Never mind the black line, what about the fact that the chart is six days old? What am I missing here? This storm curved north/northeast over the past 3-4 days and took a completely different track than what the NHC was predicting on August 29th. Certainly he is aware of

WAIT A MINUTE, THOUGH ... black circle or no black circle, WTF is the relevance of a chart that is SIX DAYS OLD?! That is ancient history now, particularly considering that the storm today is nearly 100 miles off the coast of Georgia, and heading north/northeast? You follow me? Black circle or not, there is absolutely