
Yeah, came here to say Season 8 - save a few episodes - is just as awful as Season 9.  I mean like really crappy.  Poor Catherine Tate.  I love her but MAN they could never, ever figure out what to do with her.

Jon Oliva’s Pain! NICE. Did you ever see Savatage? I’m from Tampa (and I’m old) so I was fortunate to see them a few times before Criss was killed. Fucking amazing.  RIP Criss Oliva.

I had to give it a star.  I just had to.

It’s also worthwhile to look for financing deals on certified pre-owneds. I bought a 2-year old Mercedes and financed about 3/4 of the purchase because Mercedes was offering a 1.9% rate on a 48 month loan. That allowed me to move the unused cash to my investment account and put it to work (and earn more than 1.9%).

The irony that a user with the handle “FloridaMan” knows of the existence of holding cells on cruise ships, and exactly what one must do to get placed in such a cell, is not lost on me. BRAVO!

True story - I was just in Seattle for vacation and I acquired a Safeway club card in order to get the club price on some Caffe Vita coffee.  I proceeded to give the card to my 11-month old son, and he thought it was the best thing in the world.  He would randomly hold it up to people as we walked out of the store and

That’s all well and good, but the response clearly violated the spirit of the question.

Spot on. And to put a fine point on the inconsistencies of conservative “policy,” it was their own presidential candidate only 6 years ago (or maybe 7 now) - responding to Obama’s “Russian Reset” - who called Russia the biggest threat to the US. Conservatives seemingly embraced this as one of the key reasons why Obama

Can you even wrap your head around the fact that we live in a world where the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES uttered the following phrase in a press conference?!

I’m here to support you, albeit 1.5 years too late. I recently re-watched The Game. It’s ridiculous and over-the-top, and for the most part I could live with that ... until that ending. It’s simply TOO MUCH to swallow. It’s not only that they somehow knew from exactly which spot he jumped, but I guess they knew he’d

Followed by the sincere “you’re welcome” from the bad guy

Great scene. And with a perfect capper- when he tries to pocket the $17 once Sharon Horgan comes up with the $100. “Oh I guess you’re going to keep the 17? ... ok, yeah

A solid entry, for sure.

Kathrynzilla, will you marry me? Came down to the comments to say this very thing. Hell House, LLC is both (1) pretty f’ing scary; and (2) one of the few found footage films where the presence of the cameras is perfectly justified.

Sometimes the show hammers you over the head with their “riff” on a classic 80s scene, but other times they nail it with a subtle homage. The Elm Street house was perfect, as well as the fact that the scene with El and Max at the doorway managed to feel like the doorway scene in the original Halloween.  It just nailed

I should have read down further.  Made the exact same point and also used the phrase “ham-fisted”!

The reference isn’t shoved in your face?!  My problem with everything I’ve seen in the first three episodes of this season is that EVERY reference point is shoved right smack in your face.  These aren’t subtle homages to things we knew from the 80s.  This is ham-fisted “remember this?!” [elbow elbow wink wink]

I think you know

What about 32oz?

He still cared for her but he recognized he wanted something else in a partner. Did anybody read this in a totally different way?”