
Fun fact: my 10-month old son is also 2 feet tall. He hasn’t murdered anyone (that we know of). But I know I could take him if he tried.

I came here to say this.  But you said it way better than I could have.  I was going to say “I liked.”

To be clear, I would be ENTIRELY OK if it turns out he’s playing Noho Hank.

It is CERTAINLY cliched, but man I really loved the first episode.  Aldis Hodge is terrific, and his character is very compelling.  Kevin Bacon is a hoot.  Really looking forward to seeing where this thing goes.

Ed and Lorraine Warren are garbage people who made a living exploiting the grief of people in genuine pain.

Really loving it.  Took me a bit to get my head around the production, though.  


sucking my dad’s hairpiece? singing mom’s darkest harmony? snoring mostly dulls hearing?

This song is great.  That’s all.

I feel like my generation (those who graduated high school in the early to mid 90s) think this movie is a good representation of high school life because it looked kinda like our high school days, except within a 70s setting. But my parents graduated high school in 1973 and when they see this movie they say it doesn’t

That one is pretty good. I don’t like the way he says “trrrr-rain”

I am curious(?), I suppose, to hear the whole record.  The two singles are a mixed bag, for sure.  Hello Sunshine” is great 70s Americana.  “There Goes My Miracle,” though?  WHAT is that?!  It’s just bad.

In defense of the director, it should be pointed out that these festivals always have an unusual number of walk-outs.  How many times have you heard that a horror movie debuting at a festival caused several audience members to walk out because it was too scary or disturbing?  It just happened with Hereditary.  Do you

Am I crazy or is there no teaser below?  I don’t see it and I’m not sure why

Are the Lightning still in it?

Future me says this episode was stellar. Underappreciated gem. A couple of laugh out loud moments for me that weren’t discussed in the review:

A completely valid assumption!

I highly recommend this movie. It’s somewhat glacially paced (pun intended?), but it does a fine job of very uncomfortably exploring the husband’s cowardice, and how it impacts the way his family (particularly his wife) views him.

I think the clip above shows that there is enough room to fudge this.  They introduce “little Bill and little Ted,” but don’t address gender (and the babies are two little bald babies who are on the screen for 10 seconds).

I came here to say this.  Lundy-Paine is terrific.