
are you on a stagecoach?  Are you playing a IRL version of Oregon Trail?

Ugh Electric Dreams, right?  SO disappointing.

Nosedive is my number 1, with White Bear a close second.  I got all misty eyed and kinda cried during Nosedive’s conclusion.  Is that weird?

Seconded re. Metalhead.  Blah.  Not into it. 

I watched James’ whole run and I think (maybe I’m wrong) that in that situation he would routinely bet big - that was her moment to potentially turn the game into a runaway and guarantee victory.

Amazon is delivering a pile of stars to your house as we speak.

poppers, benzos, ludes ... jelly beans(?)

Agreed.  Emma was great at the buzzer, and clearly knows her shit.  She’s a worthy champion and will be a tough opponent.  But that second Daily Double wager of $3k?  That tells me everything I need to know.  She might make a modest run, but she’s no JH.

you’re a toilet-washing rag

Bingo. A couple things happened here to conspire against him. One, as you mentioned, Emma found the Daily Doubles in Round 2 and grabbed a small lead. Second, and probably even more devastating, is Player #3 absolutely caught fire in the middle of the second round and mitigated James’ ability to grab the lead back.

Here in Florida we watch our Jeopardy at 7:30pm, like normal folks.  It’s one of the few normal things we do.

And New Orleans.  And Atlanta.  It’s a classic scam

How old were you when ROTJ came out, and what was your tipping point?  I was 9 years old, so to 9 year old me literally everything was perfect about it.  

I give you all the stars for the utter randomness of your post. It’s beautiful. Sincerely. Like, if someone gave me the question posed in this article and gave me a solid 7 days to predict the pop culture items that may show up in the article or comments, I am CERTAIN that W.A.S.P.’s “The Crimson Idol” would not have

I was in the same boat as you ... after seeing it in the theater I kept trying to convince myself that TPM was good. Then I bought the DVD and tried to watch it again. You know where I just fucking lose it? The pod racing scene. I mean, shit, half of the fucking movie is like watching some dumb kids playing Mario

AOTC is a tough rewatch as well. I like the Jango Fett/Kamino part, but everything else is just ... I don’t know ... a big, dumb, not fun cartoon?

This was my reading of it as well. We see Sally in the process of learning about what her audience wants to see. It doesn’t matter if it is her truth. Audience members reacted positively to her lashing back at her abuser ... something they (or their friends) may not have had the courage to do, and in that stage-ready

the previews for this show are infuriating

This guy is EXHAUSTING.  Don’t even bother.  He has written these endless diatribes in the comments section of nearly episode, espousing his worldview that somehow Barry is definitely not a bad person.  Which is odd, because I think it misses the point of the whole series.

You mean like a straight up discussion about King’s Landing’s failing infrastructure? “The brickwork around the Red Keep needs updating. Damn you, Cersei, and your elephants!” I’m totally with you.