Ehh, if you like it, then eff the haters and enjoy your car.
Ehh, if you like it, then eff the haters and enjoy your car.
Hi gang,
They’ve already released the new new logo.
Somebody needs to dive through that guy’s window and add some goddamn punctuation. Ah well.
Wow Claire, this thing really shook you up, didn’t it? I mean, it’s cool if it isn’t worth its salt, but could you have seasoned this review with any more distaste?
Yes, but that second one is actually also Betsy DeVos.
To bad her story wasn’t selected
that is UMvC3. it came out in 2011. Capcom just got the licence back and is re-releasing it on modern platforms
Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.
this is very good. It runs into the issue of a lot of post modernism where it is using the very platform it is critiquing but it is very good all the same.
The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.
I live in Ohio and I see most of this shit on a daily basis. The only shocking thing is the amount of people driving on the wrong side of the road. Think they are foreigners?
It’s Australia, everything is dangerous including inanimate objects.
“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.
D.B. Pooper
David, you and your friends live on a level of determination against all odds and good measure that you have achieved near enlightenment. Just realize that when this fails your efforts were not in vain, they lead you down a road so few will travel that the wildlife have taken it back. You have become a better man…
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
I had no idea these things were named Yugo because they were made in Yugoslavia. I’m seeing the world in a whole new light now.
Luckily there’s people busy remedying this issue. Check out this tutorial on how to modify the shuttle to open up!
Luckily there’s people busy remedying this issue. Check out this tutorial on how to modify the shuttle to open up!
Shep, your note about articulating wings is unintentionally misleading. While the wings on this set do extend and retract vertically, they’re otherwise fixed to the model, which means they don’t actually articulate like the wings on the shuttle as seen in the film. I was pretty disappointed when I found out, and I’d…
Shep, your note about articulating wings is unintentionally misleading. While the wings on this set do extend and…