
This article is ridiculous. First of all, at least she isn't Paris Hilton. Second of all, this article and the LA times ones presumes that Megan is somehow some sort of spoiled rich college dropout who used power and influence to create a company and now makes tons of movies, which isn't true. Her older brother is

You know you're a true San Franciscan when you debate going out because you finally found a good parking spot.

It's even made by the same people. Skimming is not recommended.

They make dress slack sweatpants now too. Can't find the link, but they exist!

That's hypocritical and ridiculous. That's like saying someone who wears a rainbow bracelets and speaks at gay groups, or a feminist who speaks at feminist gatherings deserved to be snarked at. He prays and wears bible versus and speaks about Christian living to other Christians. This offends you how? That's

I'm pretty sure she signed some kind of iron clad prenup that waives her right to community property, assets gained after the marriage only by him, etc. Also, she's a med student at Stanford (maybe a doctor now?) so she probably wouldn't be screwed if they broke up.

I don't think that's true. That's like if a woman talks ad nauseum about her love of sex (think Rihanna), and then someone yells slut, and then the reaction is "slut-shaming!!!" It's exactly the same. Rihanna is overtly and over-the-top sexual to an obscene degree (which, seriously, totally cool), but someone being

She put out a birth certificate.... written in Comic Sans. It was most definitely not legit. She says she's 16, but there is no evidence of her going to school, etc. Also she just really doesn't look 16. I'm mildly positive she's in her twenties and she and her husband said she was younger so they would get their

John Travolta is ridiculous. I didn't know the extent (until I was yelled about it on gawker and did my own research) but he is famous for being not just gay, but aggressively so and not very hidden about it. How and why he does this while also remaining ultra-firmly in the closet is beyond me. You gotta pick one,

Does anyone else remember when they announced Jennifer Lopez was going to do American Idol and we all collectively said, "Oh, good for her, she's totally a faded star who isn't relevant anymore now that Kim Kardashian has a bigger ass."?

If it's going to be someone from the core team and not Taylor who everyone already hates, the. My guess is Gabriel, but I really don't know. I am personally certain it is not Sanchez, then a little less certain it's not Tao, then who knows. I think Pope or Taylor are both too easy because it really wouldn't be

Lindsay price used to look Asian, but she got a lot of plastic surgery and now plays white, totally.

I'm Asian too. I am on your side. I disagree completely about the ice bitch because it's the same thing over and over. It's not likable, and ice dragon is an Asian female stereotype that goes waaaay back and has a history in negative stereotypes and portrayals of Asian women. They are also sexless, and usually cold

Uh, Grace Park is on Hawaii 5-0 right now. Like, literally on Monday you can go and watch her. Ming-na was given at least two television shows, both of which failed immediately. Sad. I want more Asians on tv as well! However, they usually fall in two categories now: For men its the hyper-racist caricature of the

Where else are they going to go?

The Closer is probably the best thing that has ever been and I have been obsessing over who the mole is since last summer and I may have issues with television attachment and sentence breaks.

Is she going to play an ice-cold bitch who is super domineering and treats Sherlock badly with her macho "I'm a girl but better than you at everything!!!!!" attitude, but secretly has a softer side?

That's so raven started in 2003.

Wait, which one is coke mom again?

Something tells me that being a personal shopper does not afford her the lifestyle she is currently living.