
I fail to understand when, exactly, as a black man, were the "good old days" for him? Women gained the right to vote in 1920. The Voting Rights act of 1965 gave him the ability to vote in any state without discrimination. So.... when were these good old days, again?

From several "blind items" and "my friend worked on the crew for glee" items on reddit and such, they hate each other. Apparently everyone on glee gets along, even with Lea Michele who I would think is a diva, except for those two. Darren gets waaaaay too much screen time and solos, apparently. (I agree with this.

From what I understand, Chris and Darren hate each other, so I don't think they'll be in ads together anytime soon.

I remember reading about a female superhero tv show that is supposed to be in the works. I wanted to say her name was Jenny Powers but that doesn't bring up anything. I don't know. She's supposedly a B-level superhero, and I think she was raped. I don't remember anything else about this heroine, and I cannot find

Oh, no, I know a lot of female superheros, but I know that Wonder Woman and some x-men characters would be the only ones average people know. I don't think any of my friends would even know Power Girl or She-Hulk. They'd just think it was a female Hulk (which it is, I suppose, but they wouldn't know that she was a

Don't forget Helen Mirren! Though, have you seen her in a bikini? DAMN. Maybe she is getting by on her looks.

Tons of male actors have won and fallen off the face of the earth. Adrien Brody and Roberto Benini have fallen much, much further than Reese, who also had children and such, so she probably took time off from acting, right? Adrien Brody has no such excuse.

Female superhero movies don't track well, I guess. Look at Elektra. The Avengers movie bothers me though because there are a ton of female avengers, but we're also having to exist in some sort of quasi-marvel universe where the X-men don't exist, which sucks. Stupid Licensing.

Yeah you're right. I dunno, I just thought the tone of the original post was kind of weird because it seemed like the person thought that Beyonce got famous later in life, which wasn't the case.

Magnetizing a table doesn't sound like a great idea to me. For example, when it's down, what if you throw your wallet on it?

You're the one being hyper defensive, because you're defending a celebrity from a comment that you've imagined in your head.

Ugh, whatever. I said she had too much unnecessary filler in her face, I didn't even say anything that mean and I don't think she gives two shits about my comment. I didn't even call her ugly (which she is obviously not) and you are totally overreacting. You clearly give tons of shit or you wouldn't have freaked out

Right track? You know she assaulted a woman at a club last week, then lied about it and said she was at home even though they have her on tape. Then she went to another club and had ANOTHER altercation this week.

I'm pretty sure you're not a moderator here, and that I am entitled to voice my own opinion. I don't think it's really that mean to say someone was better looking without a bunch of plastic surgery, honestly.

That's subjective and I disagree. It's called an opinion.

She still has too much filler in her face! She looked so much better without it.

No, that's not how a Co-op board works, your management team can't get you around that one.

Sigh. I feel like you're missing the point. Read the original post. It is talking as if Beyonce went through this strange non-famous point in her lift. It never happened. She most certainly never tried to apply for a job. I don't even think she would have ever been discriminated from renting an apartment, as I

I don't technically think nick cannon is famous to the level of beyonce. I have no doubt that racist things have happened to Beyonce. However, she had most likely never applied for a job or tried to get an apartment.

You know that Beyonce has been super famous since she was a young teenager and zero of those things ever happened to her, right?