
This is one of those times when I think people are trying to find a reason to be offended. The rape scene was in, seriously, no way eroticized. The whole point of the rape scene was to change your viewpoint from "the governor is trying to find a way to survive and does some really morally questionable things but maybe

She should go to prison because we aren't trying to help her anymore. She is a United States citizen and has repeatedly failed to follow the laws. The fact that she is an incredibly overhyped celebrity with no actual credentials behind her unless you count that movie she made a millions years ago where even the extras

Are you, uh, thinking of Jeffery Dean Morgan?

Aren't there any Kennedys near Taylor Swift's actual age? She seems to like large age gaps in all of her relationships, in both directions.

Bristol Palin should stop making statements, as they never have the effect she intended. Also, saying that someone isn't a good interpretation of Sarah Palin because she isn't hot enough means you are validating the fact that she was the right amount of insane.

Japan has maybe the most moralistic hangups of any non-religiously governed country in the world.

Japan doesn't have a really low rate of murder, it has an impossibly low rate of murder. They don't investigate as much as we do.

I think the best thing about this website is that people are crucified for saying that Honey Boo Boo's mom is overweight, but say whatever you want about guys. I'm not even defending this dude, because he's gross (and obviously lying, because NBC doesn't care if we hate him, but has a vested interest in us not hating

I have like, three or four friends that DON'T have iphones. So basically, I always use iMessages.

Is anyone really claiming that Mindy's show is the best of the bunch? Really? Because I've read several reviews and they all say that it is pretty terrible and horribly bland. I haven't had a chance to watch it, but they play the previews every three seconds and it doesn't look particularly novel. A super-smart

I feel bad for the two sons who aren't trying to be in the limelight at all.

I'm pretty sure that the women want it that way. Isn't this why Kara Dia... something was summarily kicked off AI, and she found out when they announced it? Paula didn't like another woman on the panel.

The song is a reference to when Gwyneth Paltrow's father died, and he was trying to make her feel better. There's no reason to feel outraged, I don't think.

The difference between her and LiLo is that Rihanna is still massively successful whereas LiLo burned out. As long as you're still on top, you can do whatever you want. But it probably does make the fall down a lot harder.

Okay, I guess I take that back, Miley Cyrus or any of the newer disney crop who were taught that there is no such thing as overacting probably would have ruined it.

I'm sorry, but I cannot get behind this, and I don't understand anyone's love for LiLo. When she was not a mess she was fine actor. Decent, but people act like Katharine Hepburn part 2 lost her way.

Not to call you out, but I wish I could bet money on this site. I know that, if there is some article with something negative about women over men, no matter how small, there is always someone in the comments that wants to spin it so that really, men have the more negative trait. It's a study about bifocals and eye

She's not 17. She just isn't. I'm a Stodden Birther. There are many of us out there. Clearly this is some sort of publicity stunt. She released her birth certificate, and it was in comic sans. COMIC SANS! It was obviously a fake. All of this is to try and launch her "career". If she told everyone what her real

She's supposed to be white...

I am not throwing any shade on your friend, at all, because that is insanely impressive and I could not do that in my wildest dreams. But doing the rings is much harder than that, because you're doing that on cables, not the floor, and your arms have to be straight (I'm betting that her arm is bent and she is low to