
It's not her fault, per se, but it's still a good idea to keep ones hands to oneself.

He didn't ask her to show her on him. Don't touch a police officer, they really, really don't like that. She probably wasn't thinking and he certainly didn't have to react that way, but it's just always a good rule of thumb not to touch an officer.

Nene Leakes from Real Housewives is though....

Wait, there are stil people out there who think Evan Lysachek is straight? His obviously fake PR relationship during the olympics really fooled people? I'm surprised. Johnny Weir totally called him out on it, but whatever.

That's not true at all. Case in point, Marion Barry, who told everyone to "get over it" after he was elected after the crack/hooker scandal, and then was subsequently elected AGAIN.

I read on reddit (so grain of salt) that someone's friend was dying of cancer, so Maroon 5 gave him front row seats and backstage passes. When the friend died, Adam and co. shot a video for his mother telling him how great her son was. So it sounds like they are good guys.

Don't say that, he's been campaigning hard to be cast in the (unplanned) American Psycho remake. I'm actually positive that it's the entire reason he dresses like that and combs his hair that way.

Obviously Anderson should quit his stupid talk show and do it. No one has as good a chemistry as Anderson and Kelly. I think Seth Meyers seems a little too serious for the role. Honestly I think it should go to one of Kelly's gay bffs, that seems to be what she is looking for in a co-host.

I don't understand why we're all obsessed with this fake PR relationship. True or not, Kanye has hundreds of blind items written about him being gay, and his recent forays into women's fashion aren't helping his hardcore image. Kim is obviously trying to recover from her wedding disaster, and we're all buying right

The John Travolta being gay rumors predate him joining Scientology. I don't think they have anything to gain by outing him. He is legendary for this sort of behavior, and he doesn't hide it at all.

Blazblue follows Guilty Gear's "I will kill someone out of frustration" storyline method, too. They don't tell you HOW to get from point A to point O, so you just have to keep trying, and they're very, very specific. I remember in Guilty Gear you had to defeat the final boss a certain way. However, winning normally

To be fair about the Mel Gibson thing, he almost HAS to have Mel's back. Mel was the one that had his back through all those things you mentioned and allowed him to regain his place in hollywood (or, arguably, because 10x as famous as he was before thanks to Iron Man.)

It is healthy to be exposed to some bacteria. People didn't have dishwashers for centuries and humans managed to not die out.

I actually was not aware of the abusive nature of her relationship, as I tend to avoid news articles with her name on it. It sounds pretty bad, this may be a good reason for why she does this.

This is not exactly relevant, but it bothers the fuck out of me. Every time people talk about Kim and her marriage, they act like this is the first time she was married. We all yell sham, and she cries, "No, I wanted to have the perfect fairytale wedding and marriage! I just wanted to fall in love and be married

It would have been more apt to make an Ultimate Spider Man movie and cast him in it (ultimate spider man is half-black, half latino, I believe, as Peter Parker died.) I still don't know who this remake is for. Do we need to watch a remake of a movie that came out 10 years ago? I don't really think so.

Oh. That is somehow much, much creepier than I originally thought. Congratulations Stephanie Meyer! Creepiest writer ever.

It just goes to prove that pretty much everyone sucks. Men, women, we're all shitty.

I love the blatant hypocrisy in this threads. Imagine if a woman claimed she was raped, and someone commented here, "I'd make her feel better" or "Oh, so every time someone does something and regrets it it's coercion?"

I think the order is important here. The girl ran away, and they asked for help. Now, if you go into disadvantaged areas, the police don't really respond to 17-year-old runaways, because there are a ridiculously large number of them, and they run away constantly and without ceasing. It's not exactly right, but the