
He was only half-Syrian, and pretty white looking at that. Plus, white people don't like to watch things not starring white people.

I, as a man, do not get Megan Fox's appeal. She is not sexy to me. Sure, her body is great, but she always has this vacant, vapid look on her face, like she doesn't want to be wherever she is. I know that maybe this is not the best site to make this comment, but to me it always seemed like Michael Bay made a wish

Not only that, she's telling people to leg press, which is not a great exercise in general.

I love my iPad, and I'm glad I waited before buying one because I started wanting one in December, but I frankly pretty much never see a reason to upgrade every apple product year to year. The features never change that much. What features would have prompted someone to claim that this is worth the upgrade?

I feel like Amanda totally could be part of a power couple though.

Can you really call Josh Harnett part of a power couple? 2003 ended a long time ago.

Putting soy sauce on your rice, is, uh, not an asian thing in general.

That makes me feel really, really old.

Tell that to those low-budget wuxia and Jackie Chan movies! Either that or the fact that I was a lot younger has changed my perception of these things, but I'm pretty sure the fight choreography was pretty good. It's everything else that was bad.

I hate reading things in the morning and then forgetting to reply. From what I understand, she was actually legit blacklisted by Spielburg, because she pulled the Nazi card and called Michael Bay Hitler. Noted Jewish person Spielburg was not happy about that and completely had her blacklisted, which is why the

There's a difference between these fuzzy logic rice cookers and your cheaper $10 dollar one. Apparently they are better. I wouldn't know, I use a cheap one as well, but somehow these cook the rice better. Somehow, I don't think its $990 dollars better, but still.

A lot of it is privilege. I know people who did amazing science things in high school, but their parents usually knew someone or were research scientists themselves. It's kind of unfair, but so is life, so whatever.

Is "Blow me" an acceptable response to sexual harassment claims? Is it cool because she's a lady? I'm unclear.

I think that the tests to become firemen are very, very hard and require ridiculous upper body strength. I know one of the female firefighters in LA sued because people wouldn't help her during one of her tests (among a multitude of other more sexist treatment, but that was the incident heavily featured in the

No, that was my bad. Tried to edit it to make it sound less hostile (and more factually correct) but it didn't take. Rihanna is making some bad choices.

No, you're right. I didn't mean it to come off that way, and I went back and edited it. Which it says I did, even though none of the edits changed. Oh well.

Sorry, I was wrong, I heard it on the radio before I looked it up. I tried to edit that out, but it didn't save.

[twitter.com]#!/rihanna/status/175809770572357632 She hasn't even taken it down. The best part is she's talking about CB's current girlfriend. She is competing with/putting down a woman so she can get back together with the man who beat her up.

Um, because putting slanted eyes on a rice cake when talking about an asian person is super, super racist? That's like when that guy put Obama's face on curious george's body.

I like how it was very superficially glossed over in this mornings dirtbag, but can we talk about Rihanna's ultra racist tweet? Seriously? I officially dislike her immensely. Your songs are pop-catchy but that's it! Someone else writes them for you! Let's not pretend you have some great talent.