
I recently (kind of) switched from AT&T to verizon. In my area (silicon valley) I had pretty much no service in my office on AT&T, but have full bars on Verizon. So I guess YMMV.

Both Afro Geisha and "Goddess Energy"/Purim are moderately to completely offensive.

Auntie Louise! I haven't seen you in so long! Don't you remember me and how I saved your life that one time so long ago?

I don't understand why half the comments are acting like this is somehow going to be a real feature on the car. It's a stunt for a publicity. They are not putting this in production.

Are these easier to clean than the normal colored bubbles? Because apparently those are impossible to clean from any surface, and their only point is it be given to children of people you hate and tell to "fill the house with colored bubbles before mommy and daddy come home."

SNL in and of itself is terrible, unless it's a former castmate or Justin Timberlake hosting, apparently. So this is either going to be an epic, epic trainwreck where she'll be high through the whole thing and mumble all her lines, break constantly, be wildly entertaining, or she'll have put in the hard work, sobered

Wait.... what? Lindsay did Parent Trap, then a bunch of forgettable disney movies. Then she starred in MEAN GIRLS OMG SUPER FAMOUS!!!! Then what? Georgia Rule? Herbie? I know who killed me? People act like she had this huge cache, but she did TWO movies that people remember her for, and one of them was because

They said they want to be together for eternity. I feel bad for their deceased spouses waiting for them in heaven. "Oooooh... sorry about that... I actually moved on after you died... Still friends?"

It probably just is a mobile home. You don't buy the land for those, you pay (insanely high) HOA fees instead.

Anderson needs to give it up and go host with Kelly, where he belongs. Everyone knows it but him. If Regis had just retired a year earlier, Anderson wouldn't be wasting his time in this middling talk show talking to teenage exorcists.

Lindsay Lohan needs to realize that all those people following her around taking pictures, you know, sell the pictures. She's been saying how she doesn't do that stuff anymore basically right when it started. She can't keep giving the same interview over and over and continue to act the way she does. Oh well.

For 40 million dollars, I can be whatever they want me to be.

Girl Scout cookies are not crack. Girl scout cookies are pure cocaine. Keeblers sells the crack version year round. It's not as good, it costs half the price and you get twice as much.

Think about it. You could buy a jetski! And maybe a pet tiger! And a solid gold statue of yourself! Yeah...

I want money and attention! Too bad I'm not white. Sad.

Would anyone else say racist, sexist, insanely-over-the-top shit for his contract and money? Because, okay, let's be really, really honest. I would love 40 million dollars for that little effort. I'm sorry. You can all hate me, but I'd probably do it. I'd buy more friends! And a yacht! You'd all want to come on

No I definitely was using too much oil, I agree, but sometimes you accidentally pour in too much, so it's just a warning!

Viola Davis was robbed! Robbed by that talentless hack who I bet we'll all forget right away Meryl Stre... oh. Okay. Nevermind.

Having stir-fried things over a normal stove and splashed hot oil all over my arms, you're definitely gonna want to be careful using ultra-high heat. And probably wear sleeves.

I rewatched it, and it's a bit ambiguous. She says "you promised me!" first, but then her mother says "I promise you it'll be okay" and she says "you promise?" I dunno. I mean, either way, her melt down was insane and over the top, but again, she's just a young child who comes from a not-so-great background, so I