
No, she didn't say that, she 100% said "You promised me!" as in, "you promised me I would win." It was kind (insanely) of over the top, but she's a young child, so she gets a pass from me.

You don't usually get residuals for bit parts.

It's not an opinion to her. She puts it out there like it is cold, hard fact, and that you are endangering your baby by giving them a vaccine, however the opposite is true. This is like me saying, "Putting your child in a car seat will kill them! It is unnatural, and there is TONS OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE proving me

"What does it take for a celebrity to write a good children's book?"

And neither could she! I do not want to speculate as to why she is trying to defend Chris Brown, but I don't get it.

Did anyone watch the view this morning? I did because I hate myself, and Whoopi and Sherri defended the FUCK out of Chris Brown, yet again. Whoopi had the fucking gall to say that, if it were her daughter, and her daughter said it was fine, Whoopi would forgive him. So full of bullshit I can't believe she said it

Well, most likely his family was only in Taiwan for a generation or two if they were escaping the Communists, like most people in Taiwan.

Because they tried and failed. That's why they don't do it any more. By try all the time, I mean a "statistically acceptable amount of times." They try as long as the people who provide the money will let them (also Harold and Kumar 3 just came out). However, they can't keep losing money. They have to give up

This is not exactly true. Hollywood tries all the time. These movies and tv shows just fail because people don't want to watch them. I think they use television as a litmus test, because it's kind of a cheaper way to do them. People always say they want these things, but they don't and they fail miserably. Taye

Sarah Palin could hold her own against Obama?!?!? I, um, respectfully disagree. Being anti-SP is not the same as being anti-feminist.

I totally disagree with that article, because it's not true. Lady GaGa gets all the praise (which she doesn't deserve, mediocre music, totally an attention hog) because she did the whole "dress like an insane asylum patient's very worst nightmare" thing first, and Nicki is seen as just copying her for attention.

The only thing that this particular meme has taught me is that a lot of people grossly overestimate what other people think of their jobs.

Uh, male prostitutes are thought of the same way, and most of the are stigmatized because they service male clientele. People do seem to pretend-glorify male prostitutes who service females, but that is largely because they don't exist in the same capacity as prostitutes of both genders who service males. But, no,

Can we get konami to rerelease Suikoden II on PSN now?

Same thing happens with minorities. You can't have a minority main character in anything, unless it is supposed to be geared toward that demographic.

Sorry, this is going to maybe be unpopular, but I disagree completely. If you decide to become a public figure, then we are allowed to scrutinize. It is not like Lady Gaga, even, who became a public figure through her work and music. This lady has done nothing other than be a grifter and go on a reality tv, and now

Child services did nothing for her because there is zero actual physical evidence she was abused. I'm not saying she wasn't abused, but there isn't any physical evidence or anything. Not to be a terrible person or anything, but I'm also kind of under the impression that she is not really 17 anyway. But anyway,

Wow, you sound just as bad as the MRAs. Men are treated much worse by courts during custody cases and child support issues. Social programs usually are only there to help single mothers and will often turn single fathers away. And that bizarre reversal situation sounds exactly like something an MRA would come up

She allowed it to be everyone's business by talking about it in the media constantly and writing a book on it. It's not like she's being demure and we're all prying.

I think the price cut has a lot to do with this, honestly. With Nintendo's handheld history, coupled with the fact that I think we all know that one will most likely come out with dual analog sticks, they are trying to make it more attractive now.