
I'm willing to bet more people have raped maids, who are usually illegal immigrants and are afraid to come forward, than maids who have claimed to be raped for some sort of financial gain. Like... a lot more.

You also have to look at where people are living. Someone once told me that you should not spend more than three times your salary for a house. Well, in California, that would buy me a particularly nice cardboard box, unless I'm willing to live in a terrifying neighborhood and commute two hours one way to work. So,

CD and savings account rates are all hovering at about 1%, so unless you're planning on getting a very large amount back, you aren't really losing very much money.

Serial killers

I have made many banana bread recipes and they all turned out terrible, but my sister sent me the starbucks recipe from online and it is very easy and turned out great even though I have no knack for baking.

I don't think Square has ever done this for a big title.

They can see your texts, right? I'm pretty sure that they can see whether or not the texts are "Hey babe last night was fun" or "you sick fuck you raped me I'm calling the cops." They should probably, you know, release those texts.

Okay, you have nailed it for me. Everyone always says "people are just jealous of him, that's why they don't like him." I am not jealous of him and have no desire to be famous, and I could never figure out why I didn't like him, and you have nailed it. He totally believes his own hype. He thinks he is awesome and

I'm pretty sure it will be a cold day in hell before Matt Bomer becomes Ryan Gosling status. It's not like he's just hiding in the closet with a beard girlfriend, he has a long-term partner and kids. That shit cannot stay hidden for long, and even though all the progressive commenters on this site say that it

Melissa McCarthy was already awarded for Bridesmaids when she won that Emmy. I mean, come on. There's no way she won that for Mike and Molly... Does anyone watch that? I tried once and it was just "Fat joke! Fat joke! Skinny hot sister joke! Fat joke! Black joke black joke black joke!" No thanks. That was

Whenever the boy scouts did something bad, there would be a deluge of comments here about how evil the boy scouts are and how they shove religion down the throats of everyone while the girl scouts were wonderful and pure and accepting. Clearly, this troop mother heard your cries of inequality and decided to make a


I don't know a lot about MMOs, but I think that if you think he would react super negatively by being told "knock it off" then you should extricate yourself from being near him ASAP. Maybe have another person on your, uh... team? say that it annoys him to hear this guy fawn all over you. Or just shift him to another

How would an EM field "disrupt the oxygen around the flame"?

I have advice, just as a male. Be honest (but nice). There is nothing to be gained from beating around the bush. You can be chilly all you want but he isn't going to get the hint. I say this because I have known a lot of guys who just are fucking positive that someone likes them back and it is super obvious that

I work next door to Google, and I'm pretty sure they're all really, really happy. At least, they seem that way.

I still hate them and their bikes. They just walk across the street and ride their bikes without a care in the world, like, you know, my car.

I commented on this post before it was popular.

Exactly. They were Nazi sympathizers! The fact that this is obvious and Madonna went on 60 minutes and talked about how sad she was and how much she adored her made me want to vomit. I lost any respect I had for Madonna, which, okay, there wasn't a lot to begin with, but still.

It just really annoys me that Madonna made this totally sympathetic movie (and fawned all over on 60 minutes) about a Nazi sympathizer. Okay, alleged Nazi sympathizer, but still.