
I know that addiction is a mental illness, but it it is one that you put yourself in. No one put a gun to her head and told her "snort this coke or die!" She chose that lifestyle, and has gone to rehab like four times. Instead of removing herself from negative influences, she continues to go to parties where these

Read my response to JamieMF. I "comprehend" mental illness as much as the next non-psychologist (not very much, i suppose) but she is (was?) a very rich little girl who could have stayed out of the party scene but chose not to. I have the utmost respect for addicts who turn their life around, as I feel that takes an

I made a comment about Lindsay Lohan apologists when that blurb about her not paying her taxes came out, but this is probably a lot more fitting. Does she really have a "mental illness" outside of addiction? Addiction is something you do to yourself, and she has gone to rehab at least four times, so I fail to feel

500 dollars isn't affordable? I mean, sure, it's not a cup of coffee, but that's not THAT bad.

Also, LiLo's constant and incessant posing and self-reference to Marilyn is bizarre and is becoming strangely obsessive. I don't get it, absolutely nothing about her reminds me of MM.

Wait. Wait wait wait. Ryan Gosling was YOUNG HERCULES?!?! Mind is officially blown. I never watched that one, as it was not the best out of the three. Okay, so they all were terrible. I think the last season of Hercules was in present time? But they were delightfully campy. I miss tv like that.

No, she gave them a birth certificate with the font written in comic sans! Comic Sans!

I'm still rilly positive she isn't rilly 17.

Courtney and Doug, just because you're in a comedy video doesn't mean we're laughing with you.

No one can do anything in the old testament without getting put to death. You can't even wear clothes spun from two types of cloth, I think. It's pretty extreme.

...I dunno, have you read Leviticus through Deuteronomy? That's where most of these rules come from. Moses wrote those.

Lindsay Lohan apologists, the headline has summoned thee! Try to spin this one! We know she's an addict and her family sucks! What other excuses can she use?

If you're into non-sweatshop clothing, you WANT to shop at American Apparel. Everything is made in factories in LA, that have breaks, pay well, benefits, etc. I personally hate the look of American Apparel, so that's too bad. But seriously, their men's selection is VERY specific.

I didn't like her because they took the body image thing waaaay too far, and she was a totally unlikable character. Plus they made her a fat wrestler, to make fun of her body more? I can only imagine what Ryan Murphy said in the writing room. "Oh, she's fat but she uses it to be a great wrestler! No, I've never

I thought Lauren was a ridiculous character. Look, we're inclusive! We brought on a fat girl! She doesn't sing or anything, but she's confident! (a mega-bitch). Confidence =/= being a bitch, and there are plenty of larger girls who can, you know, sing.

First Eponine goes to Taylor Swift (tragedy) and now this. Poor Lea Michele. Can she never catch a break?

Because Apple is totally known for it's philanthropy.

Did you know that no McDonalds has ever gone under due to lack of sales? Fun fact!

Okay, I NEVER want to be the one to say this, but there is some (a lot? a little?) doubt behind the actual abuse claims. I would never want to downplay abuse or say that a victim is lying (how terrible is that?) but she has said a lot of things that don't add up, such as he broke her jaw, which would have taken

Doesn't the Japanese and European PS3 already have this capability? I think you have to buy an extra little box, but I'm pretty sure they can do it.