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This is borderline not related, but I will use any excuse to post this video.

And they think they need to invest tons of money to do it! We all used to buy games with NO speaking at all. If you're a JRPG fan, having japanese only dialogue and subtitles isn't going to kill you if you want to play a game, and I really don't think there are a lot of non-JRPG fans clamoring to buy this game.

I always thought that companies like this thought too much about exporting stateside. No, don't pay a million dollars and spend a ton of time redubbing everything in English with American voice actors. Just translate the text below, and pretty much everyone who was interested in buying it will still buy it. Niche

I must ask where... my friend.... can purchase the costume you are wearing.... so he can wear it at home... and to sleep...

I am a morning person who has forced himself to not be one. It was insanely impractical in college. Going to bed at 10 and waking up at 6 makes you a very dull person. Even the best TV shows start at 10. Now that I'm working, I'm trying to go back, but still, no semblance of a social life when most of the world is

He's not married, I don't think. He gave an interview a year ago about how he doesn't want to get married, and there are zero stories about him getting married since then.

I have no real opinions about this, except it makes me miss reading the animorphs.

When I first saw the Ben and Leslie thing start to happen, I thought, "Damn, Leslie going for the much younger man!" So I looked it up, and, nope, Amy Poehler is like, two years older then Adam Scott. She definitely looks her age (and great!) but he looks like he's like, 25, tops.

Time to invest heavily in that super cheap Netflix stock...

I dunno, if he was going to have a beard, Stacy Keibler? He tends to date wannabees though, rather then actual famous people, so maybe they're easier to get to sign a contract.

Scott Disick is a dick. It's right there in his name. Normally, I would be with you, but he's so unlikable, I think it's implied. Scott Disick is barely famous. I think people are concentrating on Kristen because A) He's ultra sleazy and him cheating is like an obvious thing. He's probably doing it right now with

Yeah, balls can get gross, but you can just use normal soap on them. As a non-vagina owner, I'm not sure if you can use soap on it?

The penis/scrotum is more, uh, external, so you don't need specific wipes because they don't have to worry about things like pH balance and shit? You can just use good old talcum powder. I mean, come on, not everything is a sexist issue. That's like saying "Where are the douches for men!!" A man's body just

He thinks he's a rapper, but he fails to understand that he looks like a 14 year old girl, so he doesn't have the "swag" (his word, not mine) that he wants.

I agree with you! How can people watch stuff like "Rules of Engagement" and not community? I know it's up against a big gun, "Big Bang Theory" which I used to like but I now find incredibly derivative, but still. Community is at least 1000x better then BBT. DON'T DIE COMMUNITY! I WILL BE SAD!!

Sorry, I know this is like, end of the day late, but I just remembered this comment (I read it on my phone) and I had to come back and comment. Unfortunately, most of your points don't work that way. TV viewers are INSANELY capricious. A lot of shows that were successful died when they moved to another day and no

I think it was really disturbing how certain users were not banned or even sent to the cornfield in Denis's article. I mean, some really offensive stuff was said.

How times have changed. Before the whole smartphone thing, I was on verizon and they had the worst phones. Plus, they were all locked down so you had to go through verizon to purchase ringtones, etc. I remember being incredibly jealous of my AT&T friends who had the cool phones where you could make your own

Boys don't really hit puberty until 12-13, they would not be able to father a child at 10.

you need a hardware button of some sort, otherwise, how are you going to hard reset?