
She probably wants to be more prominent and public in the relationship, and use it to gain publicity and attention. He just wants five 15-minute photo ops a month with a woman.

Well, okay, lets break this down. Back, when there was just the concept of mobile flash, Giz said it was a bad decision to not allow flash for the iPhone, because of watching flash videos. Because Apple blocked it, there was no strong development for mobile flash. Now, there's a half-assed version of mobile flash

There is not a single place in this article where anyone says that flash sucks. They said that flash mobile sucks, which it does (did?) because it was not developed heavily.

This is why I wear disposable contacts, I'm way too much of a germaphobe to ever stick that back in my eye....

Paris, people are hating on Ashton because he supported a man who covered up the same crime your father committed. #justsayin

I didn't say it was, but you seemed to intimate that it was only girls who had trouble reporting. Anyway, I am super sick of this stupid article and discussion, and the stupid one on gawker isn't making me feel any better. Why, gawker, why? I loved you so.

Lauren Conrad, professional beard. Anything to stay in the tabloids, eh?

Yeah, with the Wii U, I don't know if even 100 bucks is cheap enough, but 55 sounds about right.

So... you totally made that up then. Cool. No one is going to mention theoretical female victims because there is no evidence they exist over the course of a three-year investigation, not because they are female. Also, there is a huge logical leap between your first statement of "I've seen a report in the news" and

Okay, I think you've missed my point. This incredibly tone-deaf article could have covered the exact same topic without everyone going "OMG FEMINAZI!!!" There is a valid point between the difference in reporting of male and female victims, but the way it was written here was in incredibly bad taste, and it gives

A quick google search shows no reports of female victims. Do you have any evidence of this report? I mean, I dunno, I almost want to be mad at you for saying that just to prove your point? I'd really like to see this article you are talking about, so you can prove me wrong that you didn't just make that up.

Based on most of the comments for this article, I don't think most of Jezebel would call this article something they stand up for.

I feel like I have to respond to these comments, because, I mean, come on. These boys were abused over decades and no one said anything. There is no gender parity here.

I said this and edited it out, but it's true. This article is exactly why the rest of gawker calls someone a "Jezzie" as a pejorative.

Most male victims aren't running around proclaiming it to the clouds, so I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at. I don't really get the tone of this article. TONS of people are on Paterno's side, for whatever reason, and he argument that people would have "let it slide if they were girls" is totally moot, as

There may be some semblance of a valid point about how the media treats male and female victims differently, but it is lost in your terrible timing and ridiculous hijacking of a terrible thing. People have been saying that they are making it up, by the way. Man, this article is incredibly gross.

I guess it depends on the program, as I only have experience with engineering, but if you have a 3.8, you can go anywhere on earth for engineering grad school, and no one cares even a little bit about your extra-curriculars, essays, etc. Hell, if you have a 3.4, you can go most places.

Don't scare her! Grad school is waaaaay different then undergrad for admissions. They don't pay any attention to volunteering or jobs, and if you have a 3.8, you should probably be applying to an Ivy League school.

This is a very important point. Everyone should be aware of this.

I think Amber Rose was trying to say, "Kim Kardashian doesn't have a penis, so there's really no reason for Kanye to try and hook up with her, obviously." But then she remembered that contract she signed to become famous, and she just started saying words instead.