
I wish Spencer Pratt had stayed at USC, too. I like it when I know where all the douches are. (Why yes, I am a UCLA alum, why do you ask?).

The ad that shows up when I come to kotaku says "Prepare to die, 10.04.11" That was a month ago, so...

Why does Brad Pitt constantly fight against his natural urge to be hot? I think he and my mom both have the same haircut.

They probably can't testify without incriminating themselves, though.

I know, it's so cold and inconvenient! Sometimes, my windows are foggy in the morning, and I have to defrost them for 20 seconds. California winters are harsh.

Why is Jessica Simpson obsessed with farts? I remember back in the day when she kept mentioning it (okay maybe once) on Newlyweds. Maybe she has a fart fetish?

I find that these kinds of magazines are more irrelevant with the internet. I used to read them to get game reviews and cheat codes, or to see what was coming out in the near future. Now all of that stuff is at your fingertips, and its free!

I feel like you didn't even read my post before quickly calling me a troll. I said that I don't like people who talk about running incessantly as a way to be condescending. Unless, of course, you did read it and you're a troll! Nicely played.

This is not a slight against you, I promise, but if you're passionate about something, keep a blog, write a book, etc. No one is knocking anyone for having a passion, it's that we have to hear about said passion ALL THE TIME. And, usually it is done in a less-than-humble, condescending manner (again, this is not

If you took shrek out of the equation, in which murphy was only a supporting character, I bet he'd top that list. Norbit, Meet Dave, the list goes on.

Seriously, I am always down for a house hunters marathon. Always. I love that show, and I love yelling at them when they make the wrong choice.

There is nothing wrong with running, or even sometimes saying, "I ran a 10k for charity!" There is something wrong with constant, "Man, I slacked off this week, only ran 30 miles!" The former is a basic status update, the latter is a humble-brag that is super obnoxious.

I think running people are sometimes the most annoying people on earth. "Oh, you ate chips and watched a house hunters marathon? I had a pretty relaxing day too, I only ran about 9 miles. I should really start getting serious and training for my 100 mile ultra-marathon." BOOOOO NO ONE CARES.

You can sometimes return it, or pawn it I guess. I don't know, but it's a lot of money! If he's REALLY cheap (and tacky, or poor!), he can just pretend like it's a new ring for the next girl he proposes to, haha.

I think, and this is just my opinion, but I think if a the woman initiates the divorce in under a year, she should give the ring back. I mean, theoretically you're supposed to spend two months salary on that thing, it's a lot of money. She should give it back if she's the one who wants the divorce in such a short

Half the battle is wanting to be healthy yourself, and I don't think she wants that in the slightest. Unless someone pulls a Britney Spears conservatorship, and force her through the power of the law, she won't get any better.

..No... You know there are tons of different strains of bacteria that live in the ocean, right?

There's plenty of bacteria that live in the ocean...

I think Marie Curie is really awesome. Double Nobel Laureate in the sciences, yet still denied entry into intellectual circles, and shamed for dating someone after her husband died in a tragic accident. Then her daughter wins a nobel prize too. Her husband, daughter, and both son-in-laws all won Nobel Prizes. And

Oops thats wrong, her other daughter was a writer. But she did win the french legion of honor.