
I transferred everything to my new phone, and now all my text messages show up as the persons number, not their name. It's driving me crazy!

I agree with touchstone, stay away from potatoes! You'll want to try and eat complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and brown rice. Starches like potatoes should be avoided!

Fitocracy is kind of meh, I think. It's a nice way to track your progess, and (mainly) for people who are in great shape to show off, but the leveling up gimmick didn't provide me enough motivation to keep using the site, as I found it tedious to input all the things I did after taking certain workout classes. If

First of all, House Hunters International is maybe my favorite show on television. Secondly, I know it suffers from a terrible title, but like CougarTown, Happy Endings is an amazing show and everyone should watch it.

Happy Endings is amazing. It proves you can do the whole Friends setup and not have a laugh track. Whitney, BBT, HIMYM, and all the others should take note.

Well, he didn't murder a bunch of people, so probably not.

He probably loves it, unfortunately.

I am so with you. I think that glee gave him a taste of the spotlight again, and now he wants more. Obviously that whole thing was incredibly fake. Conveniently, after everyone called them on their bullshit, her MS hasn't been discussed again, either. They are Heidi and Spencer 2.0 (Courtney and her grandfather

Yes, you make a lot of sense, but try putting up a set of antennas in a town with highly restrictive zoning laws and crazy, crazy people who will stop at nothing to prohibit you. It's ridiculous. People simultaneously want their cell phones to work but never want to see an antenna. That is by far the biggest

This is not actually true. I used to work in telecomm and did some 4G deployment. We'd be blanketed in 4G if the carriers had their way. A large part of it comes down to the fact that your city does not want monopoles everywhere, and they're scared that all the antennas will give them cancer. A very, very large

When Quinn first said that she "wanted to get her baby back" I seriously cringed, because it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard. You cannot get your baby back. That is not how adoption works. Some states do have a time period where it is possible, but none of them are 18 months later. The previews show that

I started using facebook pretty much when it became publicly available, when your wall was just a text editor that anyone could alter. It was incredibly fun, because it was so different, and it wasn't all whacked out like myspace (the fact that it was college students only helped). On the other hand, google+ came

Well, okay, think about it this way. He buys a range of guys and girls sizes, and is leftover with a bunch of mens smalls, and a range of women's sizes. He lost money. Or, he buys just mens, and a lot of smalls, and he sells out. Profit! That's the easiest way. Is it fair? Maybe not.

He has to invest in the shirts, and the ladies shirts, in all different sizes, probably cost more, too. Instead, he bought just one set of shirts, and probably a ton of small shirts, and they all sold out, rather than have a bunch of ladies shirts left over. So.... business-wise, he probably made the right decision.

Some of the tips on this site.... Quit your job unless you'd do it for free! Put a picture frame around your thermostat! Wow....

I don't think anyone wants to eradicate the CDC.

I really don't think that these women killed other women for their babies because (I'm reading between the lines here) men only value women for having babies and since they can't have babies, they feel that they need to kill other women to please men. I think it has more to do with them being crazy, insane psychos,

Haha, yeah, these sites are usually by dudes, for dudes. Sorry straight guys, it's probably not ladies fawning all over your pic. Oh well, attention is attention, right?

"spoiled little pig" is not even close to "broken down fucking asshole." I seriously have to comment every time someone brings it up because everyone else on earth apparently had June Cleaver for a mother who only said nice things to them.

I love Ramona's ads! They look so low budget and ridiculous. She looks like a model on a "glamour" product that you buy in the dollar store.