
Well, honestly, Jason Biggs and Sean Williams Scott are the "stars" of American Pie, moreso than Alyson Hannigan. Also, they kind of need the paycheck a LOT more that she does. And, while I feel kind of bad for Tara Reid, I think they probably could have offered her a twenty and a ball of twine and she'd be down to

I've seen this trick done before, it's pretty harmless... I guess it depends on the delivery?

Dear Abed and Troy, JD and Turk did it first. Also, has anyone ever tried to decipher Courtney Love's blog? How many ghost writers are they going to hire to try and write that book.....

While abortion and abortion rights are really not part of this article, the words "voluntarily aborted fetus" just sound wrong, like the fetus itself wanted to be aborted. Probably not? Though, really, let's not get into it...

Who isn't a real housewives fan? You? Stop lying! You know you watch it, or at least read the recaps on Gawker (Richard Lawson is probably the funniest person on the planet, and if he ever decides to write a book, I'd buy it so fast.)

Didn't they kill the only really useful box, the box that let you stream directly to your tv? I hope DirectTv doesn't get it...


The old testament says many things that we no longer follow. We no longer own slaves or stone people to death and most Christians aren't kosher and eat pork and/or shellfish, which is also considered an abomination.

No, that's called "Grindr"

I think so too....

My boss did this to me (I am a man, and so is he.) Is that weird? I am honestly asking.

I mean, I know who the unabomber is, without ever hearing him speak, too. I don't think either of them are celebrities...

That's funny, because in my dorm, it was the women's bathroom that had all the hygiene problems, which is why half of the girls used the guy's bathrooms. I think it has something to do with long hair....

In my own, limited experience, I can say that this is not the case. Granted, I don't know everyone on earth ever, but in my engineering classes, it was about 1/10th women, but they ALL got awesome engineering jobs. The guys, well, not so much.

....are we sure that it's going to be great? Is there even gameplay footage yet? I'm sorry, this is totally wrong, but I still can't get past the pictures of Dante and of the creator. It's like taking Mary sue fanfiction to the next level and we just can't have that.

I love Monkey King, and I would totally have bought it at full price, until I read it was a 5 hour game. No. Not even close. That's 11 dollars per hour of the game, and it's not like there is multiplayer or anything to keep it going. Either budget price it out of the gate, or try harder and make a longer game.

I don't believe in that either. My cousins parents hardlined the santa thing, and the oldest one seriously found out about it WAY later than most children (I'm talking middle school....) and I'm pretty sure the other kids were merciless.

I said this before, and I'll say this again. This show is supposedly about "celebrities" confronting their haters. Even if we go by the dancing with the stars definition of celebrity, Scott does not fit. Let's recap! He slept with the lesser known sister of a woman who slept with the brother of a C list singer.

You're not sure if not getting tenure is not a reason to shoot (and subsequently kill) people? Um... yeah, that's not a morally ambiguous thing.

You're right! They're not even married. How does he even have haters? What is he going to say to them? Yeah, you wish you had sex with kim's sister! No, not the tall one, the other one! Congrats, dude, you win... or something....