
@ToastyUterus: Are you proposing that this design is practical and/or feasible? Because I would have to disagree.

Imagine all the vibrations that the bridge would receive. Coupled with the fact they they put turbines on what appear to be toothpicks and you have a pretty unstable looking bridge.

To everyone who thinks that the Verizon network is somehow going to magically survive the deluge of use that the AT&T network got when everyone jumped on their iphones and throttled the service, I wouldn't place my bets right away.

I think their problem is that they THINK they need to evolve, without actually needing to. FFXII and XIII were steps to radically overhaul the turn based battle system because "fans don't want that anymore." Compared to what we got, that is DEFINITELY what I want. My biggest problems with FFXIII was the fact that

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: I don't understand why they don't remake FF7 and insist on pouring money into other, lesser games. Remaking FF7 would be consuming, sure, but the profit is built in. If the game was remade with JUST upgraded graphics, it would be a hit. They'd sell a ridiculous amount of copies.

@gurfinki: err, yes, you are correct. I am still thinking about when I bought mine....

@gurfinki: I'm betting 350, just because 400 would make it the same as a PS3, and people would freak out and not buy them.

@UsernameOfTheDead: The price is almost certainly going to be a buzzkill. If people are bitching about the 3DS price, I wonder what they'll say about this price.

@chefgon: Probably local ones that only operate in regions, not the entire country, such as MetroPCS and the like.

@Caturday Yet?: You have to prove intent, so it's the other way around.

@A Magician Named Gob: I think you mean, "Breaking: Sony to put in currently-being-replaced mobile technology to make you buy the inevitable 4G version that will come out in a year."

@madog: Nope, data or calling, you gotta pick one.

@Pontos: Talking to your child? Clearly, you do not have a traditional asian parent.

@beanperry: I'm all for not stereotyping, but, seriously, Japanese erotica isn't known for being slight above vanilla....

This is definitely incentive for me to put off buying a 3DS, none of the games sound interesting to me at launch, and I don't think we're going to get a whole host of interesting games here in the US that Japan isn't.

Ugh, last time an article about this went up a lot of people were on the pedophile's side, and most of the comments were "I wished this happened to me!"

Wolframalpha! They did all of my crazy integrals and derivatives! They gave me airfoil information! For engineering, it's the best.

This show is incredibly doomed. Not only are there serious accidents left and right, but, from what I've heard, it's also terrible. I don't think spiderman makes a good musical. I was going to make a comment about how it's like making a musical out of an anime series, but then I remembered that pretty much every

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: Uh.... it's a soccer reference... a yellow card is a warning, a red card throws you out. Also, red, color of blood, etc etc etc.