
You mean that most criminals don't try to stuff guns in their crotch? I thought that this was clearly the reason we are all quasi-molested. TSA gets to third base with you, but no one checks your carry-on. Interesting.

@Settings: You've never heard of the television show "The Office"? What country do you live in? It's definitely not an American thing, even, since it started in the UK, and has a version in many, many countries.

Video game awards =/= high profile event. Real celebrities don't have that much to do with video games, which gives them much less opportunities to pat themselves on the back (this is excluding celebrities in their "I need overexposure/to cash a paycheck" phase of their careers, like Doogie Howser). Lets face it,

@shananigans: Tik Tok is also the #1 song of the year on the Billboard Hot 100. How? I'm not sure.

In college, I worked in a place where people would come in to use a computer and check things out. The computer came with a small keyboard that strangely did not have caps lock on it. Once, a girl came in and asked me how she was supposed to type in her password, because there was no caps lock key. I asked her why

@pheonitype: I agree that blanding yourself is totally the wrong way to date people, because that's not you, and it'll come out eventually anyway, plus you're not being yourself. At the same time, I feel like Patti knows that this isn't Patti's problem. She's just trying to get paid, and she does so by getting you a

@madeofsprinkles: Um, are there tons of shows out there "about men" that I am missing that somehow are making women disenfranchised? I would disagree with that statement.

I like to think of Millionaire Matchmaker like my other guilty pleasure show, Designed to Sell. If you watch that highly entertaining travesty of a show, you'll notice that they pretty much take any sort of personality your house has and beige it out. Not because your individuality is wrong, per se, but because

@Etarip: That just changed my entire opinion of this house.

@finnigan16: Subsidies are what allow companies to lock you into two year contracts, as well as making you pay a termination fee, the thought being that because they subsidized your phone, you should be forced to pay them for breaking their contract and stick with them for a set amount of time to pay them back.

Um, you use a magnetized field with a container that contains exactly 24 hours worth of battery life. I learned this from Angels and Demons. Dan Brown knows everything about science, art, and reality, and you guys should listen harder.

@Dr. What?: UV rays don't kill bacteria like antibiotics do, bacteria don't really build up a resistance in the same way. UV imparts energy into the cell, killing them. They don't become resistant to that.

@branchan: This article is obviously biased, as it was written by their friend, not an impartial journalist.

@branchan: I've never heard of someone being arrested when peacefully protesting for it.

@branchan: Those things very pointedly do not happen in every single other countries. Find me an instance where poison was used as formula to cut costs and poisoned thousands of children, then the country jailed people who spoke out against it, peacefully, I might add. That does not happen in every single country.

@branchan: Needlessly skeptical? I would assert that you are being blindly optimistic. Not only was I being slightly facetious in my original post, in the past couple of years, let's look at China's track record. They put poison into baby formula, because it was cheaper than actual milk, sickening thousands of

@branchan: Thank you for repeating that without giving any sort of explanation towards your point.

@branchan: I make the Chinese look bad? Excuse me?

I'm Chinese, so this is NOT RACIST! I repeat NOT RACIST!