
It happened to me, but it didn't deactivate, it rang an hour later. My phone says the alarm is set at 7, but the alarm rang at 8. I managed to somehow wake up on time, but I didn't think about it.

I believe Collegehumor wrote this, months ago. Reddit doesn't have a source.

I can't wait to play a brave white American citizen ready to shoot up the terrible invading Asians and their lack of human decency coupled with their desire to massacre innocent civilians.

If you have any faith in humanity, do not read the comments at Yahoo for this article. Just don't.

I am so shocked that apple refuses to incorporate new technology before it's been readily available in the PC market for 5 years. Shocked, I tell you.

@RyanLN: My Indian friends constantly talk about how indian people are always late to everything, and "Indian time"

This looks cool, but is only practical if you live alone. There's no sound barrier, so it'd be hard to do work if someone else is making noise right on the other side of the wall, which looks to be where the tv/family room area is.

With this money, there could be a staff of full time bomb sniffing dogs and trainers at every major airport right now. Instead, we spent 19 billion for exploration!

It is unclear to me why Kinect is somehow on this list. Not because I hate Kinect for no reason, but because it's not out yet. What about it makes you think that it is "blessed?" It's an idea, and one that without great games to back it up still might fail.

@MSUHitman: FF is way more of a franchise than KH. Unless there is specific articles citing this as true, I wouldn't act like it is a foregone conclusion.

I could never play Starcraft competitively because Power Overwhelming didn't work and that was my only solution to beating that game. I am terrible at RTS games.

I will say that I have never understood Gizmodo's fascination with designer lights. I know some of them are mildly cool, but most are art installations, and the purchasable ones are always ridiculously expensive.

@The_Inquisitor: I'm really glad you somehow worked in the fact that you have a Masters in EE and your salary in your rant about how charging 300 dollars to do a firmware update should not be illegal.

I think we should cut him a break. I think that teenagers and people in their twenties are the people who embrace technology and fun things, and he totally missed this period of his life because he was too busy fighting in the crimean war.

This is an organization that prohibits anyone who outwardly states they are gay to participate as a scoutleader. Because all gay people are pedophiles and people who identify as being straight are never pedophiles. This is also true of the catholic church and the priesthood. The boyscouts copied their methods

@Xehanort: I agree. I hate overhyping of things like this. It definitely isn't the biggest launch of 2011. And just saying that makes it seems kind of sad and pathetic.

@WestwoodDenizen: I disagree in that Sheldon wasn't the same in the first season. He was just a really intelligent person who looked down on those of us who are of lesser intellect. Now that it's become Sheldon the weirdo and his big bang friends, I think the show is veering off into a weird direction. Much like