Isaiah Bradley

I might be the only person in the world who still subscribes to SI, I mostly do it out of habit and barely read each issue, but you gotta hand it to them they broke this and the Jason Collins story and there haven't been too many exclusives bigger than those two this year.

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for a 3DS version of Majora's Mask that's akin to the same treatment that Ocarina of Time for. (Note, the image used here is not official and just a mock up). Star this or the original post to vote.

New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!

I'm sorry but whats your point? Its a Speed Run. There are plenty of games people have run in a fraction of the time they were meant to be run.


WOW how hilarious! You deserve a cookie!

I'm having the same issue with Pokemon Y right now. Every time there is a puzzle or question, before I even have a chance to think about it myself, some NPCs just blurts out the answer. Before a cutscene even ends!

Try A Link Between Worlds, then. The tutorial is, more or less, "Here's your sword, go."

Jason knows his shit.

If it smells like teen spirit, chances are a child of Shawn Kemp is in the immediate vicinity.

Wait, what? I haven't seen a single non game ad on my ps4.

I wonder if the PS4 version will be free for those that own it on PS3/Vita. Similar PS4 upgrades of PSN titles have allowed the same.

We're not talking about Miami, fuckmaggot. But thanks for coming over from Yahoo! Sports to weigh in.

The same two calls happen to NC State and no one notes the similarity. Happens to our league's new golden boy, different story. Also, this happened to Syracuse on the road. That's key, because this is a horseshit league that is dishonestly officiated by deference to the home team, and by makeup calls, so long as they

Also available for Lamborghinis

It isn't right, that's why he's eating fresh fish.

As the happy owner of a 2009 G37s (with the exception of the disappointing 7AT) it saddens me to say that I would not buy this new car.

the whole notion of a premium "luxury" car that is fun to drive is dying.

Shit, we can add in a bunch of other layers of absolutely fetid shit that is the porn industry and race:

I'd like to remind people of the insanity surrounding GTA4, and then the subsequent cooldown. It got a bunch of perfect scores and decreed the best game ever in any and all universes. Then, months later, everyone claimed group psychosis and went back on their word. I expect GTA5 to be excellent as well, I'm not an