Isaiah Bradley

What point is she making? I'd be interested to see if you could articulate it, then go back and read my comment, then see if you're still confused over what I'm saying.

Two excellent, excellent games. And at no point while playing them did I ever think about tropes or sexism or anything else.

And I would counter you that her videos actually don't serve to protect against misogyny or assholism in adulthood, because they do not attack the root cause of the misogyny.

I was going to get this for Wii U, but I'm not anymore now that it's on Vita.

It's unsurprisingly overlooked in any of her arguments, likely ignored because it doesn't fit the agenda and actually runs 100% in controversy to her stance.

Somewhat ironic, yes?

My issues with feminism are the same issues that I have with religious zealots, political zealots, or even racial-equality zealots (and I'm actually Black!) — they fail to address the root cause of the problem. It's like chipping off the tip of an ice berg and declaring victory, or slapping a Mickey Mouse bandaid on

A much better way for her to attempt to solve these problems (or, as I state in another one of my comments here, the more serious problems related to sex, gender, and racial discrimination in the actual gaming industry), would be to use that financial backing to hold conferences with up and coming indie developers,

This Discussion

Absolutely correct. Couldn't have said it better myself.

That video is pretty awesome. Especially given his respectful tone throughout the entirety of the video.

Consider the source.

That's actually exactly the word that I was looking for. Cowardly, or craven.

I agree in part.

It's bully pulpit style, and it's not fair. If your focus is criticism, then you need to be open to it as well.

$15-$16K for some fucking cantaloupes? What in the...

He didn't make any point. He's a low life, degenerate, limp-writsted weakling with no sense of self-worth, decency, or respect for other human beings, even his fellow citizens (if he's even an American citizen).

You're an idiot, so of course you can't understand.

You're an idiot. Read the Medal of Honor citation for Army Chaplain Emil Kapaun.

An outstanding article, Stephen. Thanks for posting this.