Isaiah Bradley

I think you might be on to something.

Another thing to add, though, is that backwards compatibility didn't exist until the PS2. For those of us who grew up gaming on the NES and 2600, there was never any backwards compatibility, so I've never had a problem with not having it.

My bad. It's actually the first sale doctrine, which is actually codified in US law. Once something tangible is lawfully sold, it can thereby be resold by the owner at any price deemed fit. The "tangible" requirement came in concerning digital sales, where it was determined that you don't actually "own" digital


Not only price fixing but also a violation of end-user ownership...I'll have to search for the court case that talked about it. It had to do with book and video sales.

The goatee bothers me, for one. Bruce Wayne/Batman is always baby face clean shaven.

I can't fucking wait to play Destiny.

I just felt the need to bump this, because of the awesome sets of boobs in all the pics. :D

It might actually turn out to be illegal. I'm considering doing some research and writing a guest article on it.

One: N/A. Unacceptable.

What do I see? I can tell you what I DIDN'T see: video games.


What you did there. I see it.

Simplistic and minimalist. Not bad. So they have one good thing so far.

Clearly he only buys steelbook, collectors edition games.

lol, you got three weeks.

I need to preorder this now, just for the digital content. The other stuff is pretty awesome too. Rockstar always has the best special editions.

Sleeping Dogs was excellent. It's unfortunate that it flopped. It wasn't beige enough or didn't have multiplayer where your K/D ratio supersedes the rest of theg ame.

I don't get the obsession with zombies either, but the mass of America disagrees. This game will sell boatloads.

Oh snap, got 'em!