Isaiah Bradley

The first and most obvious of these pitfalls is if Sony or Microsoft forgets who brought them to the dance in the first place. Gamers.

Not particularly. As long as it isn't an eyesore, which it won't be.

You're missing my point entirely.

I'm not necessarily an EA hater, though, so that's not the best example.

It's slowly and surely taken a nice backslide all the way to the garbage heap.

That's not what I'm saying at all, but as a multiplatform gamer who owns a PS3 and a Wii U, there are no games that I'd rather play on Wii U that are multiplatform and it simply comes down to the more robust online community and as I said, much better post-release support from the developer and publisher.

The SNES and NES would like to have a word with you, as would every Nintendo handheld.

Not at all, I totally disagree with your stance. We (original Nintendo gamers - the "OGs" of Nintendo) have not expected a transition at all, but more of the tried and true stuff that worked on the NES and SNES — good, solid games without hand-holding and without gimmicks.

You must be new here...advertisement or not, it's an update with the cheapest price to score a popular game. I'm unsure of why this upsets you.

That would be valid if that was Nintendo's market strategy as long as many of us can remember, but it hasn't been. They've made some weird decisions, like hamstringing the N64 with carts, or the Gamecube with propriety discs, but they didn't forego their core audience until they made the Wii. You don't go from

Much different in one large aspect, too, which is that Kinect (as of now...we'll see this week) and PlayStation Move are not the cornerstone or centerpiece of their respective consoles.

Clayfighter 63-1/3 was fun, but it sucked. Really bad game.

The game sucked, too.

Lots of nice comments and marginalization here, but I'm just going on the record to say that this is downright fucking deplorable to witness. No wonder games basically have infinite lives these days.

Please show me where I assumed it would be a launch title. I'll wait.

The reason I say define fun games is because there is literally only one fun game on the console that I can't get somewhere else with better post-release support, and that's New Super Mario Bros. U.

I'm unsure of what is more entertaining - the immediate attempts to bash the Wii U by commenters without discretion, or the illogical defense of the console by commenters with an equal lack of discretion.

Kind of hard to evaporate when there's barely anything left from as far back as the N64 years.

I originally backed this thing, and then I got a refund.

Because it is her.