Isaiah Bradley

Yeah! Exactly like turning left on red in the kingdom. It freaked me out in Grand Cayman when I saw people turning left on red.

Really? I guess I'll have to give it a shot.

You aren't. This could be really good news, especially if it means the revival of Knights of the Old Republic.

We had a laser in the science department at West Point that burned a hole in a deck of cards in about 9 seconds. Pretty impressive stuff.

You're right. The Atlanta Braves used to have a similar mascot - Chief Knock-A-Homa. He would come out of a teepee in center field and dance whenever the Braves hit a home run. They wisely moved away from all that and continued just with the tomahawk a long time ago.

Nice comment.

Owen - do some research on George Preston Marshall. The naming of the team, in my opinion, wasn't an accident.

Probably needs more time to create more unplayable movie-length cutscenes for MGS5.

I got a refund, actually.

I just don't know why people seem to drop their IQ from whatever it is to -1 when they board an airplane. It's like they don't have any plan on putting their bags either under their seat or in the overhead.

I remember a flight one time where we didn't taxi all the way up to the jetway, and everyone stood up. The attendants said to sit down and put your seatbelts on because the plane was going to be moving. Then she asked again nicely. Then one more time very sternly.

lol, got 'em.

I stand corrected!

This is why flight attendants ask people to move seats for takeoff for weight purposes.

I guess I should have said the single-player aspect of FPS.

I've known the difference between gay and straight for about 17 years now (I'm 28) and I've never once seen any issues with a gay man acting the way that you've described in your often-panned hypothetical situation. In fact, I've had gay men tell me exactly what I said — they know you're straight, and no, they don't

News flash - all gays are mature about it. They don't find you as a straight person attractive any more than you find an ugly woman or even a man attractive (assuming you're heterosexual).

As a gamer going on 28 years old, I am right there with you with single player games. Call of Duty and other shooters just don't do it for me. None of them, and I mean none of them, have wowed me like Call of Duty 4 did when it came out. The first time I played the AC-130 mission I was like...this is the future of

"the game is always-online" - because the console is?

No. He was clean-shaven in Twin Snakes/MGS1. In MGS2, he had the early makings of a chinstrap beard.