Isaiah Bradley

As a black man who watches adult film from time to time, I honestly think that the problem lies firmly in this:

From a guy approaching 30 struggling to meet a mate in this "dating scene" - I will say this to my daughter one day, if I'm so fortunate to escape single purgatory:

That, and the President compliments just about everyone on their looks, male or female, when he's giving stump speeches or introducing a guest of honor.

I thought the splash image was actually fossilized shark teeth in the thumbnail, which I think would've been more appropriate.

No, it isn't. If bench after bench of Supreme Court Justices, the foremost Constitutional Law minds in our country, still cannot come to terms on what was intended by the passage of the amendment (or virtually any provision of the Constitution), then it would be no more than foolhardy for any of us as laypersons to

Regardless of what the next Microsoft console does or doesn't do, does anyone here expect the CEO of GameStop to say anything else? His company will be selling the hardware. Of course you want to get your company's name in the headlines to try and sell more consoles than competitors.

Meta score is 65/100... smash hit lol.

"He did not provide an official response and has switched his Twitter feed to private."

It's all good, man. It happens to the best of us. For the record, I agreed with your second statement about the state of gamers, but I think that he should be disciplined in some form.

I wasn't exactly planning on purchasing the next Microsoft console, and this really would have no impact on my decision one way or another.

By responding to these troglodytes, you've already lost, my friend.

That wasn't the original intent. It makes for a good rah-rah we need our guns argument, but it wasn't the original intent whatsoever.

This was absolutely phenomenal! :D

Same here. My all-time fave is still San Andreas with Vice City hot on its heels.

Fan sequels? PLEASE.

I played baseball for many years. There is no excuse for this at all.

I'm so excited for this game it's ridiculous. I can barely contain my enthusiasm. Hahaha.

Oh I don't work there, but I have a close friend who left the service and got a job working for them. I don't know exactly what she does, but any time I've talked to her she raves about the leadership there and loves working there. She lives/works in Seattle.

Oh, haha, I agree. I couldn't tell if you were legitimately upset or not (this is Kotaku after all).

Audi R8?