
Do the people who entrusted you with that much power know that you should not be entrusted with that much power? Or are they going to learn “the hard way?”

I’m sure somebody in her field feels likewise. I bet she won’t be out of work for long.

The country has NOT shown this at all. Of @ 80 Million who own guns, only 5 million are rabid NRA fiends.

Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!

We need more thoughts and prayers. That’ll help.

Female mammoth: Come over.

Maybe he was Born in the USA: “Got in a little hometown jam, so they put a rifle in my hand. Sent me off to a foreign land, to go and kill the yellow man.”

Because they refused to stop and ask for directions?

But please, continue to embroil the company in the stupid, wanted, pointless, controversies that the network lives off of.

I love this song and really needed to hear it now. Thank you.

For some reason I was waiting for ICE agents to descend upon them.

But, but, but...

Allow me.

I’ll put £10 on Eric or Don Jr being in there given how both are too stupid to keep their mouths shut.

I’m convinced that mega churces are even a bigger scam than old time religion.

They will claim that TV ratings are down because of it and ignore the bad football, lack of competent QB’s (leading to bad football), and huge number of violent, scary injuries as contributing causes.

I hope those who voted for him who have family or friends who are addicted see this as the slap in the face that it is. My brother in law (former, my sister eventually divorced him) is an opioid addict. The problem isn’t “just say no.” It’s “take this if you want to be able to get back to work after your

“If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum.”—sticker on a musician friend’s guitar case

Yeah, it’s great. But far to many are keeping quiet hoping to get...something...anything...on the conservative agenda passed. I’m looking at you Mitch McConnell! How often will you let that Fucking Moron (their words, not mine) insult you and still come back begging for more?