
[citation needed]

Where’s your global warming now??!?

A technique was left out: the oven. This is a slow cooking technique I use to great effect to make stew and broth. First, bring the contents of your pot or dutch oven to a low boil on your stovetop, then transfer to an oven pre-heated to 25OF. Make sure to use a lid!

This is way better than the meth-head woman I saw on BART go between the cars, sit down, pull down her pants and presumably pee on the crack between the cars.

You’ve left out a key connection between Jobs and Lucas. Pixar was founded by George Lucas. They made specialized graphics hardware used for effects. When Lucas had to raise money for his divorce he sold Pixar to Steve Jobs.

Yeah, I know; you're, not your. Autocorrect.

This rivals the classic Macaroni and Beef story. If you don't know it, your in for a treat:

10 years ago I had a Handspring Treo. That thing kicke