
Better headline:

Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

Turn the quality down further. I bet you could play the tetris song. You might be able to play the original Doom music.

...engine over revving at idle...

I like how NatGeo didn’t try to make him out to be a hero or a mega-badass just because he’s old (which is popular to do now). Just a touching portrait of a good person with a healthy attitude toward life.

Can’t they just follow the trail of oil drips to track them down and apprehend the evil-doers?

I think the license plate are torque numbers. Here’s why:

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.


An Asian woman driver is your hero? That is something you don’t hear everyday.

There’s something uncool about a V6 mustang, uncool as in Japanese Stratocaster uncool. It’s still good, very good, but it’s just not the real deal.

Oh dear, what will the new Jalopnik currency be if we no longer have V6 Mustangs?!

Wow. The guy that almost gets it on the scooter doesn’t even bother looking back over his shoulder at the van. I’m guessing this is relatively common driving there.

Congratulations, Mr. needsblinkerfluid, on COTD! My award to you is an SS which this lovely lady will deliver after she does a massive burnout.

I’m not overly worried about it, I still plan on picking up a Chief Vintage in the spring. It’s wonderful to ride, and it’s a rolling piece of art.

OK Polaris, you now have one job.

It’s not only ‘not uncommon’ it’s standard business practice. All European commercial jets have a placard showing the ownership and insurance trail mounted quite prominently in the cockpit and these things are not small...

failing to see any automotive tie in

this is one of those occasion when the universe could have taught this dipwad a much more painful lesson (lost wallet and phone) but a considerate rider, even after being cut off, gives the guy a second chance.

Faking your own kidnapping is an idea that requires plenty of cocaine to fuel the journey from inspiration to execution.