
No dude, I swear that was a Lambo.

I figured out what he meant. Check out a picture of where a mid 2000s s40 intake air filter box is made. The intake is pretty far back in the engine bay, but still that was impressive.

Well the guy does appear to be an idiot. But I take your point, he doesn’t strike me as a particularly dangerous idiot, and her reaction seems to be a touch over the top.

The reporter is probably just copping an attitude because it is difficult to hold 1.) her hat on, 2.) the microphone, and 3.) that guy’s beer.

I wish my bike had a damn kickstart. Then it would run. *Grumble* stupid $2 starter clutch, that requires separating the crankcase to replace. Maybe I’ll do that this winter..

I love the police quote “out-of-state speeding offenders in the area are not an uncommon occurrence”. Thats because this part of 70 is a speed trap. They got me too, in a Ford no less...uh, a rental Fusion. Limit dropped quickly from 70 to 50 on a big downhill. But I got the “courtesy” ticket of only 19 over.

Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:

size & weight is always the limiting factor. This is why you can take an ATV places that even custom rock crawlers can’t go, and why you can take a dirt bike places even ATVs can’t reach.

What about the Manifold? Is there any potential danger?

Alternatively, you can add NOS directly to the fuel system. Gas stations sell them in cans, typically in the refrigerated section to keep them fresh.

Curse of the Furai

sooooo uhhh what bathroom does it use? and does it hate pedestrians?

soon he might fly both of them.

One company is saying that it’s completely safe and their product is cheaper. The other company says the competition’s technology is dangerous and ours is safe so buy our more expensive air bags. I doubt it was as clear cut as we know it is now following the deaths caused by the aged inflators.

Above first.

10,000 miles between oil changes? holy shit. I get ansy if I get past 3k on my car. If I had an Aston I’d be changing the oil like every day

This is like providing people with a guideline for how often to shave without paying any mind to how densely or quickly their body hair grows. The frequency with which a person needs to shower is about his or her hair more than anything, I've concluded, and perhaps secondarily an individual's sweating habits, the