
Please please please have a co-op campaign!

After the whole mess with the NES Classic, spending MONTHS trying desperately to find one only to have the Big N cancel production, and now being faced with likely the same crap for the SNES Classic... Screw it, I’m building a Raspberry Pi emulator from Lifehackers instructions instead. Pretty sure I’ll be happier in

Was the first game I tried on the new TV last night and my jaw dropped at the difference. I can never go back now.

Nice! I just bought a 4K TV too and really wanted to replay H:ZD with all those glorious extra pixels and HDR goodness.

I’ve always wondering from the original series and now this, where do Fenton’s legs go when he’s in the suit?

Two tracks from the film’s [Transformers] score have also been posted to YouTube.  

Great, another Nintendo retro-console that will sell out almost immediately at every retailer and then be cancelled by the Big N while most people are still trying to find it.

Screw it, I’m just going to install an emulator and find the roms this time. Save myself the headache.

Ha! Awesome. I love this as both a Canadian and a gamer.

Been rocking this release for a few weeks now as part of the beta program, the new UI is such a big improvement in terms of speed and accessibility. Cortana integration is still a mess tho. Slow, clunky, never accurately reads what I say and seems to trigger and take up screen space during some of the most inopportune

Meh. That’s all I can say about PS+ games any more. People can argue that they are “free” or “paid for” all they want but at the end of the day it’s $60 annually for an online service that is consistently plagued with issues, has horrible voice chat, and offers up quite lacklustre games when compared to it’s main

Now is it going to be dubbed, subbed, or both? And will it include Endless Waltz?

Between the reviews and this, I broke down and pre-ordered. And I don’t feel bad about it because there is no way in hell I am not playing this on day 1, and I needed that pre-load. Can’t wait!

Yes, see it in 3D! I just got back from watching and as someone who truly hates watching 3d movies this one was something else and it really added to the trippy dimensional (pun intended) scenes. Overall I really liked the movie.

But Gone to Rapture is soooo boooooring!!! And Tower of Monsters is yet another top down indie. Really the best game in the lineup is Dirt 3 and it doesn’t have much of a chance with me still playing Forza 6/Horizon 3 for the foreseeable future. The other 3 are barely more than glorified phone games.

Well, a decent razor must be all kinds of hard to come by for Supes. I doubt a basic Gillette is really up to the task of hair that withstand almost any kinds of destructive force relatively unscathed.

These speakers are tiny beasts! Full 5.1 surround glory with some outstanding sound, I upgraded to these almost 2 years ago and don’t think I could ever go back to 2.1 audio.

These speakers are tiny beasts! Full 5.1 surround glory with some outstanding sound, I upgraded to these almost 2

Why has Sony not officially announced this yet? Not on Twitter or their blog. You’d think they would given that this is a feature users have been very vocal about for a good couple of years at least now. Then again, they have yet to officially announce that PS+ hike through anything other than an update to a month

Ok ,Fuck Sony! Seriously, I’m done. I’ve been a PS+ member for years and hung in there through the Sony hacks and PS outages, I stayed the course through MONTHS of crappy PS+ games for the PS4... And now because I am Canadian (and there is less than a $.025 cent difference between the US and the Canadian dollars) I

As a PC gamer I have to say the past couple of years have really brought me to a point where I’m just not interested in playing most AAA games on PC any more. Games shipping broken is a sad enough reality that a lot of gamers have had to accept on all platforms in some form or another but PC games seem to have become

I’ve been itching to grab the trilogy since it was released for the Wii U, but I really just don’t want to be forced to play it with that damned Wii-mote. Hate that controller.