
I think I may have just become a little excited about the new Doom.

I had wicked disconnect issues on 2 pairs of G930's. I ended up going with the wired g633's in this case so I can’t account for the difference in wireless performance. That said, the sound quality on the Artemis Spectrums are incredible next to the g930's as well as the ability to operate in dual input mode with both

I had wicked disconnect issues on 2 pairs of G930's. I ended up going with the wired g633's in this case so I can’t

Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum RGB 7.1 Surround Gaming Headset

Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum RGB 7.1 Surround Gaming Headset

Original OLED Vita in Canada here and mine is dead. Can’t connect to the store, can’t load any games, rebuilt the DB and still nothing. I guess Sony finally found a way to truly kill the Vita. :(

Wow, that’s a wallet shock. And then there’s the hardware upgrade people will likely need on top of that to even hope to run eventual AAA games on it at any comparative performance to what we have now on a monitor too. I think I may be waiting until I can toss a gtx 980 ti or two into my rig first, maybe see what the

Looks like a sizable ddos attack to the West coast, which happens to be where Sony’s main NA PSN servers are sitting.

Why am I paying for a shoddy network and a bad selection of “free” indie games?! Getting really tired of this crap from Sony.

I sent them an email blasting them over this a few weeks ago. We’re only paying $20 less for Prime up here but don’t get any of the video content, no amazon music, none of the digital games services, no android market, and frankly the sales are garbage compared to what the US gets. Gotta love getting hosed for being

Isn’t giving away only the first chapter of Kings Quest kind of a cop out? It’s like giving away the first chapter of Walking Dead or Game of Thrones for free, which they often are. It’s essentially a demo to get people to buy the season pass for the rest of the game.

Evie just feels more fun to play as. Maybe it’s because male protagonists have been so overdone in the AC series (AC: Liberation excluded) or because she plays better with stealth than Jacob... which seems kind of crucial being an AC game and all. Either way, she’s often my preferred character of choice in the game

Oh wow, a dude holding guns. Totally pre-ordering this! Not!

The US get a $50 price drop and Canada only $20?! Sony really has a hate on for us Canuks this generation. $75 for a cheap quality controller that needs to be replaced roughly after a year of solid use (dead spots in thumbsticks, triggers breaking, bumpers sticking, etc), games costing $15 more than their US versions,

What’s impressive is that you guys got the full lineup listed here before Sony even did. The blog only offered up Super Meat Boy and Broken Age while linking to a yet-to-be-updated official PS+ page. That said, I’m really beginning to favor my Xbox One over my PS4 lately...

as if anyone would dish out an extra $250 to play Destiny on the toilet.
*Raises hand*

.... Sometimes you need to poop in the middle of a raid. :/

Not only was this the game that truly broke me from pre-ordering games, but I was dumb enough to pony up the full price for both the main game and season pass on PC, which I am still waiting for. Sure the latest patch helped make it a bit more playable, but my ridiculously over-powered rig still cannot run it as well

Well that’s aggravating. I bought the deluxe version with the season pass at launch, game naturally runs like crap on my rig. Figured I’d gut it out and try to play or wait for the patches to come. Now I get to wait even further, with no guarantee that it will even do the job, and STILL no season pass content. Good or

Oh jebus! I just googled that and I actually stayed at the hotel this happened in a few years back. Fortunately I don’t think I was ever served feces.

Thanks for pointing that out.

I've been trying to wean myself off of collecting these for a while now, even limiting myself to only buying the Masterpiece figures (and that is getting expensive). But damnit, I cannot resist awesomeness of this calibre. My wallet is weeping as I'm ordering these.