
This is what I want underpinning all future police cruisers.

You are grossly incorrect. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and may gawd have mercy on your alleged soul. Back to Breibart with you.

So you stopped by just to respond and show everyone here what an idiot you are?

For anyone counting, this one IS a first amendment issue, what with the sheriff and that prosecutor saying they will try to bring charges. That is the government trying to suppress free speech (as opposed to twitter removing a checkmark, which is not). Now lets see those self styled libertarians on the alt!right

Then I think Chevy needs to explain why the RWD ZR1 has a large front splitter. Aero balance is important no matter what wheels are driven, duh.

Because that’s how aerodynamics work. Without rear downforce on a FWD car, you could experience high-speed oversteer.


No, that’s not what I was saying. If you take someone out and it’s worth bragging about. teabag away. If you do it after something super easy, it’s dumb

Different countries have different laws!

In the UK the employees would have been entitled to at least one weeks notice by law (assuming they’d worked there over one month) and potentially up to 12 weeks notice by law if they’d worked there 12 years.

It’s not America - we have things like employment law & statutory notice periods that scale with length of service. So that is what he owes them. He may or may not have got out of it by winding up the company - we’ll see.

Hmm... (looks at skin color.)

Yes, lets’ all attack Bernie Sanders for being whats wrong with this country. While were at it, let’s also cut off our own noses to spite our faces...

Just because Bernie listed off groups with specific problems that must be addressed before turning to general problems that span groups does not mean that he thinks the two sets are non-overlapping. You are trying to further the Bernie-Bro myth that doesn’t exist: Bernie is currently more popular with blacks, latinos,

I think it was reddit or whatever that looked up the road on google maps and you basically had to be doing insane speeds to crash because it is an ultra slight curve. You could take it at 80mph in an Accord on winter tires.

Excuse: Only an idiot would pay $12k extra for a decontented car that weighs 11, let me spell that out- ELEVEN pounds less than the fully-contented version. That’s just idiotic, and this car is proof that Porsche customers are easily tricked into ridiculous schemes.

“Nothing fails like prayer.” I’d rather have the pilots concentrate on their skillful piloting.

Less rigid targa top- check

Wait....you mean John Titor was not just a creation of the anime Stiens gate?!?