
A specially designed, publicly operated vehicle for travelling in tunnels on rails? What a novel idea! Let’s also make them large enough to carry lots of passengers and link a few of them together since it’s more efficient and economical. 

Motorcycles are far lighter (less forces at play) and use a wet-clutch design that can handle a lot of slipping to allow a much smoother engagement than a dry clutch sequential.

You do know that naturally aspirated cars can be tuned and modified too, right? Sure it’s not as cost effective since you don’t get as much from a tune alone, but it’s fairly easy to get an ND1 Miata up to ND2 levels. And the ND2 has a much more sports car-appropriate torque curve (linear, rev happy) than the 124,

Peak torque doesn’t happen at redline though. Granted, making 130-140 lbft at 8500 rpm (a likely torque peak for an 11000 rpm engine) isn’t a whole lot better. You would probably have super short gearing on a car with an engine like that, and if you just got used to driving around at twice the rpm of a normal car it

Yeah good catch! The turbos definitely seem to route directly into the intake manifold, unless there’s a sneaky little top-mounted intercooler sandwiched under there out of sight. 

Doesn’t stop Mercedes from literally running an F1 engine in a “road” car with the Project One, even with some detuning it’s going to need rebuilds after a pretty short interval.

The Chiron looks imposing and is pretty damn heavy, but it’s physically much smaller and more compact than it looks. It’s over a foot shorter in length than a new Camry, for instance.

A 5 Watt light bulb consumes 5 Watts of electricity. Likewise, a 1.3 Megawatt twin turbo V8 produces 1.3 Megawatts of power.

I think the point is that stock intake systems are so good nowadays that aftermarket CAI might only net a minor improvement, if any. 

Form is in the eye of the beholder, function is rather hard to dispute. The Senna isn’t all that bad looking, it just has a very different design direction than the P1 which many considered a great looking hypercar.

The blades can tilt forwards, the fuel rod...not so much.

2600 lbs is about 200 lbs lighter than a Honda S2000 or Subaru BRZ. Expecting a much larger car like the Camaro to weigh that little even with a 4cyl engine is unreasonable. 3300 lbs is indeed fairly light for most sports and performance cars nowadays, especially ones that have to put down more than 200hp.

Good point, I was referring to the peak figures which obviously occur at very different rpm. An engine with a peak torque below 5252 rpm and peak horsepower above 5252 rpm could either have a higher power peak or torque peak, but you’re right in that for a given rpm 5252 is the crossover point (with these ‘murican

Technically an engine could rev much higher than 5252 rpm and still make less peak hp than lbft because the torque peaks at a much lower rpm and falls off.

But F1 drivers won’t be looking up at the sky very often, the wide bit of the halo is way above the field of view they’d actually be using to see other cars and the track. LMP1 cars and many other racecars with big banners over the top of the windscreen look like they’d be much more blinding in comparison.

Why not have both electrics and the current turbo engines? Harder to keep balanced maybe, but we could see how the two vastly different technologies face up on the track and it’d be a more gradual transition to full electric in the future without causing such a big upset both to fans and teams.

You’re being irrational and short-sighted if you think having your feelings hurt (aka “emotional harm”) by being cheated on justifies being a petty criminal and illegally destroying their stuff. Besides, even if it does seem like it’s justified, is it still worth it after you’re taken to court and end up being

Doesn’t have to be about cars. Would you feel the same if someone who thought you cheated on them threw a brick through your window or spray painted all over your house?

Considering something like 50% or more of marriages end in divorce, and that you don’t need to be married to cheat on someone, yeah not necessarily “life long”. It’s definitely shitty to cheat on your partner, but destroying property is shitty, illegal, and pretty idiotic.

Anyone who thinks vandalism and property damage is an appropriate response to infidelity deserves to be cheated on.