Dirk Wyse

Interestingly, courtesy of the way the RNC works, they do still have options to stop Trump if they want to. Turns out that voting to change the rules at the convention is done by voice vote, not in writing; as the Ron Paul people discovered back in 2012, it is amazing how good Reince Priebus’ designated people are at

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

Use it to test the grill anyway.

Video games. It’s not going to be popular to say it on this forum, but video games have been a tremendous time waster for me and I’m betting a lot of people here. If I had spent half the time I spent playing Civilization actually doing something productive (school, work, exercise, learning a skill), I would look back

I read a lot of books. I’ve been into literature since I was a kid. It’s a habit I got from my mom who consumes more books than anyone I know. One of the things that being an avid reader makes you do is grow to love and appreciate the English language. Twitter makes me cringe at how butchered the language has become

Seriously. I think what kills me the most about Trump’s answer is that, really, it’s not all that different than answers candidates usually give at these “debates.” His answer is tangential and shows he doesn’t grasp the matter at hand, and he scrambles away from the topic and back to whatever talking points he’s

It's funny how off topic we've gone.

Easy, tell her you want to fuck her best friend.

As a dude, how do you dump a platonic girlfriend? I'm in this sitch now!!!

There was a "viral" video going around of a father playing guitar to his dying infant son just after his wife had died giving birth to the baby. He was playing Blackbird. I clicked on it and then immediately stopped it as I realized this was one of the most private moments I could witness—a man consumed by grief

You can take away one of my sharks but you can never take away the original one.

I remember a time when silly memes and strange, non-sequitor humor were entertaining little parcels of going to the deep, dark corners of the internet.

Pretty sweet that you got to meet Rihanna.

Created a burner just to say that I used to work at Yelp in the sales department. I quit forever ago, mostly because I am terrible at sales and likely would have been fired otherwise.