Dirk Wyse

And everyone had a share.

Everyone read what it says on your BM ticket. Especially the part about “No refunds.”

Bullshit 10 feet long.

In Spy Vs. Spy from Mad Magazine of the 1960's both the black spy and the white spy were double agents.

I'm training to be a helper monkey for a robot spy drone self-driving supercomputer troll. That's the career of the future. Hopefully the damn thing will be able to figure out the difference between its and it's and your and you're, since most humans can't even though that information is extremely available and not

That is even more touching than the dad playing the song to his dead wife's stillborn kid.

Dude, where's my star?

Dude, where's my star?

"Sometimes you do need to break a few laws to get the ball rolling." -Richard Nixon

Does this mean that if I start working at home with Google I will get paychecks of $6537 and a brand-new one of these?

3 stars on the review and 5 stars for quitting the job.

I'm severely dating myself here, but while I was attending Mizzou there was a bar on Broadway called The Stein Club. On Thursday nights they would do nickle beers all night. Granted, that 5-cent beer was a 12-oz plastic cup of Busch from a tap, but you could get a great buzz on for a buck. The Shack, across from

Next version: while drinking Soylent out of a Vessyl.

The Facebook.

So, bitcoin is created by those with massive amounts of computing power and dreams of making big money? Sounds legit

Start working at home mining bitcoin on the Internet for a virtual paycheck of $1TB in bitcoin and a brand new BMW.

Jarts were invented by personal-injury lawyers, the same bunch of fellas who brought us "clackers" and EZ-Bake Ovens.

Of course, in the 1960s there were lots of missile games...

Who needed the silly circle target? We threw them overhand at each other.